Record Multiple DVDs to One new DVD

Discussion in 'DVD / Blu-ray drives' started by eulalie, Sep 24, 2003.

  1. eulalie

    eulalie Member

    Sep 24, 2003
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    I have several home movies of about 60 minutes each i made into a series of dvds. i have recorded over the original tapes but would like to keep the DVDs with all chapters, etc (right now i can record the VOBs to the hard disk). is there a way i can make a dvd with a menu for multiple movies? I have nero6 ezcd5 plat, etc. thanks
  2. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    So you are Saying that you have a Bunch of 60 Minute DVD"s that you want to Put on to a Single DVD-R?? Yes ,this is Possible if the Files are Small enough to fit all of them on a Single DVD-R, You will need a Real DVD authoring Program, The Ones you mentioned in your Post will not do it..All you do is Make a Main Menu with Links going to the movies, How this is done depends on the DVD authoring Program you are useing and there are Many other factors that go into it depending on your Movie Files..I put Multiple Movies on DVD"s all the Time.. I have a Method of Backing up DVD"s that allows me to Put up to 4 Full DVD"s On to a Single DVD-R with Pretty Good Quality...I could give you better Instructions if I had More information, Like if these 60 minute DVD"s are Small in size or do each of them take up a Whole DVD?? if they do you will need to re-encode the Files so that they are smaller, you can in theory get up to 6 hours on a DVD-R if you use the Right DVD Format..If you e-mail me with more Information then I can maybe give you better instructions and possibly hook you up with a good DVD authoring Program that will help you do what you want to do...cheers
  3. mlongoh

    mlongoh Member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    Minion, I'd be interested in knowing what you're using for authoring mult-title DVD's as well. I'm attempting to the same thing.

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