record one channel (on cable) while watching another

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by finklebin, Jan 16, 2006.

  1. finklebin

    finklebin Guest

    How do I set my cable TV to record one channel while waching another?
    I have Bresnan Cable, a Sony RDR GX-300 DVD recorder, and a splitter and another cable line (I don't have another tv to hook the second cable yet).
    Another question: May I set the recorder to handle channel over the 125 limit? Movie channels are 575-600. Can I set the recorder on these channels?
    HELP! thank you in advance
  2. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    The only way to record those HIGH channels would be with another box from the cable company. Then feed the cable box output to the recorder which would be set on channel 3 or 4 whatever the cable box output is on.

  3. finklebin

    finklebin Guest

    thank you

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