Recording off of Satellite

Discussion in 'DVD recorders' started by famous007, Apr 18, 2008.

  1. famous007

    famous007 Guest

    I bought a DVD recorder to record some movies and when I try to record I get the message that it is copy protected and I cannot record. This sucks but I need to know if there is any way around this or which recorder to buy to record. I have a Sony now.

  2. kale2

    kale2 Member

    Apr 15, 2007
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    How are you trying?

    To make a copy of a dvd is simplieest in the computer. I use dvd-recorder only for recording TV-programs from terrestial or satellite tuner.
  3. famous007

    famous007 Guest

    what I am trying to do is record a movie off of HBO or another movie channel. I says it is copy protected.

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