
Discussion in 'DVDR' started by shook, Mar 4, 2003.

  1. shook

    shook Member

    Feb 25, 2003
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    Does anyone know of a good step by step guide for using recordnowmax?

    I am using decrypt, dvd2one, and recordnowmax and can't seem to burn.

    Please help
  2. mikemary

    mikemary Guest

    I use the same programs, except I use the recordnow that came with my hp writer, i assume it is similiar. Decrypt files, use dvd2one to pack files (put the files from dvd2one into a directory called VIDEO_TS) then use record now as if you where burning a data disk and burn the VIDEO_TS folder to the dvd. this works fine for me.
  3. LuNaTiC

    LuNaTiC Guest

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