Help! I deleted some files i really need from the recycling bin and desperately need them back! I've tried a few programs but no sucess, can anyone reccomend a program that will recover these for me!? Thanks!
First of all, stop using that drive immediately. The data could still be there, but the clusters that the data is in is marked as available. They can be overwritten by swap files, newly created files, temp files, etc. Get that drive slaved to another one and use a program called PC Inspector (I for PC Inspector and you will find it.) Have it search the second fixed disk, assuming you have it slaved. Look for logical drives on physical drive #2, then you can search for lost files. ~Rich
Looks like there gone just gonna have to re-download them. Is there any program that can catch the files, (without using the disc space), as they are deleted from the bin so can be quickly restored? Better explanation: A program that logs where and when a file was deleted so that it can see weather or not its been overwritten yet or not and if so restore it if needs be. Thanks
There is a program which i used my self a cpl of days ago called Recover my files but its not free:
Here you are some free file recovery pro in the following link:
Winhex also has a feature to recover erased and lost files. It takes a snapshot of your HD and you can recover some files. Go to tools and you can recover by name or by file type.
I have used a program named Data Recovery Wizard, it worked fine for me. I think it can help your too. The details: