I apologise if i have posted in a wrong forum and would apreciate it if a mod could move it to its proper place (if wrong) I am having problems with my recyclebin, whatever i delete off my computer delete's permenently from my computer without any contact with the recyle bin and when i open up the recylce bin, it doesn't have any files in it but when i click "empty recyle bin" it asks me if i am sure i want to delete these 5 files? what files are these. Wether i say yes or no these files remain in the recycle bin and use up 30.7 MB of my hard drive. I would really like to know what are these files and how to get rid of them. Thanks
i need more help. when i open cmd i change the drive to e: and follow what it tells me. After typing attrib -h inf*"i press enter and type del info but it says no files in the folder