How do you reduce the size so it will fit on a DVD. I know how to take out the subtitles and so on. But some movies are still very large. I am using Anydvd and clonedvd at this time I have Nero installed also.
here are some guides for you: just use AnyDVD in the background while using CloneDVD and follow the guide! let us know how you did! what version of Nero do you have?
Nero 7 is a buggy version..... I suggest you save your serial # and uninstall version 7, then use the cleaning tools: then do a registry clean up, defrag, reboot and then install the stable version of Nero 7: good luck!
RandyKirk, Nero is the most stable version. is full of bugs! Edit IHoe has already given you the link to download
The clean tool will completely un-install nero for you. I have no problems with that site just click on "download this version" from the link IHoe gave you.