Hey guys can anyone give me or direct me to walkthrough for reflashing sagem dbox 2. Include hardware, software and simple method as i dont know much about this.
To be more specific, i accidently deleted the file neutrino.conf. When i plug in the dbox, the furthest it gets is to the blue sportster screen. On another thread i was recommended to reflash
Common there must be someone here with an idiots guide for reflashing! Ive tried searching the forums, but couldnt get a specific guide.
Just gety your self a cross over cable A copy of IFA an image of youe choice May be 1 x or 2 x for a sagem And give us a shout ...........Paul
Paul, where do you get the IFA software from and the image, i need a 2x image, could you e-mail me these, the thing is i just paid someone to flash my sagem box, i took it home a done a scan, the scan only lasted 5 seconds and said it was finished, i new something was wrong with that and i was correct, all my channels went away, i have managed to get some of my movie channels back but still missing 75% of the rest, why and i not picking up the rest of my channels, any ideas mate?
How have you got your scan set up Who was your service provider befor Vir*in Pm me your mail addy and ile post you wot you need .........Paul
Scan for services - All services Bouquet - leave existing Cable provider - cable uk sym6952 Fast scan - off I have to put the fast scan off because if i dont it scans for about 5 sceconds and says it has finished, thats how i lost all my channels in the first place. All my bouquets have gone away now to, even when i was telling it to leave existing. Tel*west was my last one I think flashing my box is the only way to sort this but i would need a babys guide to flash to do it. Can you send me what i need, barry.mcewan@yahoo.co.uk
I hAVE POSTED YOU A LINK TO SOME d BOX 2 GEAR MATE from my drive HQ Download wot you needand get back .........Paul
well have just shared two folders Another lad on here after a 500c image And yours Ive looked and hes took his image and yours is still there....Paul
Well ive posted to the twoof them now Others gettin them You must have something stopping them Sorry ...........Paul