Reformating Screw Up

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by i_shaw_i, Jul 22, 2007.

  1. i_shaw_i

    i_shaw_i Member

    Jul 22, 2007
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    I was trying to reformat one of the harddrives on my parents PC and I screwed up. There are two separate hardrives on their PC the C and the D drive. Windows XP runs off of the D and their old system runs of the C (windows 2000). So I tried right clicking and reformating and of course that didn't work so I put in the Windows CD, rebooted, deleted the C partition and created a new partition so I could format that. But now that I restarted Windows won't boot and I just get a screen that says "press a key to reboot." I tried switching the jumpers and selecting fooling around with the boot order but nothing has worked. Is the data on the D drive lost too? What can I do now?
  2. stephen02

    stephen02 Guest

    sounds as if u have erased everything, just reinstall windows, use the windows xp disk and reformat booth drives, is it actually 2 hard drives or just 2 partitions, if so just delete the partition and use as i big frive lol.
  3. nonentty

    nonentty Member

    Jul 24, 2007
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    When you say you are fooling around with jumpers I take it that you mean the jumpers on the hard drives? If so then forget about setting the jumpers and just remove the cables for the drive you think you formatted leaving just the "master" drive in place. If you have formatted them both then as described above just reboot using your XP disk and that will install XP on that drive. You can then reconnect the second drive as the "slave" this time ensuring the jumpers are in the correct positions and install XP on that.

    If you are not referring to the jumpers on the hard drives then you need to stop what you are doing and look at sorting out just one drive at a time.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2007

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