wondering if anyone can help. due to lots of windows stop errors i have recently formated my hd. now i just cant get xp reinstalled, set up almost completes but when restarting it comes to the log in screen and then asks for a password. if no password is entered it says unable to log on due to account restriction. i am using a legit product key from side of my computer, so any ideas why it wont let me log on??? i have never had a password on log in screen, so i dont understand why it should be asking for one. i am installing windows xp home (sp1).
I am going to assume that it's an OEM computer since your sticker is on the case....however, that sticker doesn't always have a legitimate key, thought it might install XP, it may not activate and you'll get that damn pirated message. You might have to contact the OEM dealer and ask them what key they used to install XP on that machine...but when you go to do a completely new install, you'll need to wipe out any existing partitions and create new ones. Unless you put in an Admin password during the installation..setup should not have asked you for one.
I think it must have been an error on the setup disk as i tried again using a borrowed window disk and the same product key and it worked with no problems. thanks very much for the reply anyway