Is it possible to build to generate an eeprom.bin using the unlock information from my old hdd? the problem is that durig a hdd upgrade, the original hdd fried before i could get the eeprom.bin, the only data i managed to get from it was the HDD KEY, HDDLOCK DISSABLE PASSWORD and the XBOX HD KEY. i have serial numbers etc for both old and new drives, and the new drive has been used previously in another XBOX, i just need to re-code the key which ive done before. The xbox was softmodded, and i have no intention to go on live if this is of any use. I need to know if there is a program out there that i could give this info to and have it generate a new .bin
What kind of a post is that? Evidentally you have no clue what you're talking about so why do you proceed to post? .. joeb969 = Do you have your old EEPROM? If so you can use it to generate one of a different hardware if you are trying to use a hard drive with a larger capacity. One program I think may be useful to you is "XBHDM" Xbox Hard Drive Maker which uses your previous info to generate statistics and files for a different drive. If you need help finding this tool, PM me.
why do u have to flame me just because im wrong i siad i was not sure and i read sumwhere that you need an eprom make to make an eprom.bin file i read (I'm lazy, where can I buy an EEPROM Reader\Writer? These units are constantly available on eBay. Prices vary, but every Xbox modder should have one in their toolkit! Don't leave home without it!) i read that here
An eeprom reader will solve your issue, but it doesn't answer your question! You could possibly write the info in 'LiveInfo" however, I doubt you'll have all the needed info...
Thanks Chunkhead, unfortunately i agree, i dont think i have all the info i would need. I think i am going to have to go get/make an eeprom reader. I was really hoping to avoid this, oh well, i really should have one anyway. Mik3h unfortunately i dont have the eeprom from this xbox, i have eeproms from my last couple of xbox's, but they arent going to help me with this one. I already have xboxhdm 1.9 and its my tool of choice for this kind of thing, but again, an old eeprom isnt going to help me, and i cant get the new one without a reader. Thanks though. Thanks again.