Hi- AnyDVD is supposed to 'unlock' DVD regions, right? I have a region 2 PAL DVD that isn't getting unlocked; my DVD writer doesn't even detect it. Any help is appreciated. Kegan
better not be, I just shelled out over $100 for it, told it was the best. I'm going to say no, because I have burned other Reg. 2 DVDs on it, as well as a bunch of reg. 1 DVDs. Kegan PS- I don't think it is the disc, it has little scratches, but not a lot. I'm going to clean it later.
if its got scratches it could be a cyclic redundancy error, so your drive may not be able to read the disc.Get a disc that is a music cd and see if that will play
Are you able to play this particular dvd in another pc? Do you see the dvd on the current pc when you go into my computer and look at the drive (should be letter D by default...right click..choose explore or open). Eliminate all options that the disk can't be recognized in that drive. Wow at that price...by chance what is the name of the burner?
DVD plays fine on my region-free player. There is a little pixel jump in one spot, but when I rewind and check it, the picture is fine. Audio CD is picked up on by the drive. The player name is LiteOn DVD+/-R 16x External Drive, recommended by a few people in the forums. Kegan
http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_search.php use this link... type in your burner and look for your model. Other option is to check the liteon website search dvd writers and look for your model. Also when you try to play the dvd does the anydvd fox turn red when you try to play it? If there is a firmware update it might enable your burner to read the disk.
My writer (model: LITE-ON DVDRW SHW 160P6S) isn't listed...my installation CD says the burner is as up-to-date as possible.
http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_result.php?kaj=1&isces there you will find your burner listed on the third one. The latest firmware shown is PSOA. You can check the firmware you already have by using dvd decrypter. Goto tools, drive, check for firmware updates. If currently you do not dvd decrypter then use the first link in my signature and get it.
http://forum.rpc1.org try this one or google for firmwqare and it will pull up the page to check for firmware updates just a link with your burner specs http://www.videohelp.com/dvdwriters.php?DVDnameid=1436&Search=Search&list=2#comments
I'm sorry, I can't find the firmware update. I type in 'lite-on SHW 160P6S' and the closest I get is a post about someone asking about formatting the player for lightscribing (on a related note, what is it?). As I said though, the installation disc said I was up-to-date, and the LiteOn site had no firmware updates listed for the model I have. The site directed me to www.liteonit.com . There are no firmware downloads given, unless I'm missing something. There is a link for a program to change the booktype/bitsetting. Could someone please tell me what booktype and bitsetting is/are exactly, and also if my model (SHW 160P6S) can perform the task? is it something I would want or could find helpful? Thanks so much, sorry about my inadequacy, LOL. Kegan
Ok first things first..type in liteon and there will be a list of burners that show. From there you look for the liteon that has the 160P6S and that is your burner. Book typing is simply changing a dvd+r to read as a dvd-rom which most retails dvds appear as. Most standalone players are more compatible with dvd-rom. Bitsetting- For a DVD player or drive to identify what kind of disc is loaded, it queries the so called "Book Type Field" found in the lead-in section of each DVD disc. These few bits, commonly referred to as "compatibility bitsettings" tell the drive which low-level format specification does the media conform to, such as DVD-ROM, DVD+R or DVD+RW. Most DVD players will read a DVD+RW or DVD+R disc without any problems, however a small minority of them report a disc error when a disc is loaded that is not marked as a "DVD-ROM" disc in the compatibility bits. Ususally, these players are physically able to read the disc (since DVD+RW reflectivity is identical to that of a dual layered DVD-Video disc, which all players must be capable of reading), but their compatibility problems are due to different interpretations of these bits in the various firmware versions. In most cases, the problem can be solved by updating the firmware. http://www.liteonamericas.com/us/download_utility.htm this is the tool used for booktyping with liteon drives. Be sure to read the documentation before using it to make sure you understand it.
OK get this. My reg. 2 DVD won't play in my $100+ NEW player but it can be read by my PC's E drive, which wouldn't work for any other DVD. Can you figure that one out? Kegan
matt its probably going to be better if as he reads it , if he has issues to post here 1st before he makes any changes.Just to be on the safe side
@guyrus, That is why I posted that..if he has questions I'm sure we're more than willing to help . Not sure on why one drive can read the region 2 dvdand not the other. Sometimes the media is the issue I will research this and get back to you.