can someone help me.. i need to know if i can just save a copy of my registered products that i purchased on online exp: adobe photoshop CS2 microsoft office i was woundering if i can just save the registry file incase i have to format my PC so i dont have to go threw the registering process again
this is a big guess but if you still have the registry key, couldn't you re-download the program and use the same key as before?
thats whats im hoping but im not sure since with adobe photoshop i would have to talk to a rep again over the phone if i had to re activated it and um of these companies are a little slow of the phone service. ya i should have used the net but i really dont like activating that stuff over the net so if i can just enter in the cd-key and let the reg file so the rest that would be awsum
You'd have to know the exact reg key to back up, or back up the entire registry. Some programs do register the key into their own Software location in the registry...however, others hide that information in other sections such as CSLID locales. Damn near impossible to locate even thru a registry search program. These are the locations that automatically store your information in case you uninstall/reinstall the app. 30 day trial programs are infamous for hiding that location so you don't remove it and start the 30 day trial over again as if it were never installed.
wow so all i would really have to do it back up the entire apps registry to be on the safe side i really hate having to re activate stuff it makes for more of an annoyence then anything
Well....yes and no. I'd say no. Reason being, is you don't want Windows to start the machine with a registry filled with entries from software that is no longer on the system. Especially drivers. You'd be better off talking with customer support thru the various programs you have, and have them send you your registration information via email. Save those emails or their information to a txt file, and keep a copy of it on a backup drive or USB key.