hello how could i reninstall windows xp without the os cd or without the i836 folder? i do have the microsoft xp product key sticker on my comp
you can't install/reinstall windows without the original windows disk, unless your computer is a brand name one (such as Dell, HP...) that has a restore disk you can use.
wwell i ahve the orignal disc but its scratched anyways im not sure if my old copmputer needs a fresh install but anyways it wont boot normally i have to go into safe mode to bootit up and its slow takes 10 minutes to do sumthin on it
You could use your original CD to do a Repair Installation. Make sure the system is set to boot from the CD, boot from the CD, choose to install Windows. Then, after you get thru the EULA (press F8 to accept), you will be given an option to repair the current installation after setup detects it. Once complete, and if it worked, you'll need to reinstall the chipset(motherboard) drivers, video, sound...and Windows updates.
the problem is that its scractched ....i can see all the files on the cd though. but when i insert the windows xp optim cd in and restart it has a ahrd time booting up and it doesnt boot from the cd.. it used 2 but not know..any ideas?
If you have a really decent DVD burner, AND you have Nero installed on your computer, there is another way. You can use Nero's DriveSpeed tool to lower the initial read speed of the drive (temporarily of course) and rip the XP CD to your hard drive. Then, make a new backup CD from it. Of course, you may not have to lower the drive's read speed...it's just a suggestion to get the drive to read the information thru the scratches so you don't end up with corrupted file copies. Almost all other drivers can be downloaded from the manufacturer's websites.
how do i do that? also it read the files but i cannot get them to burn and it wont boot from cd when its starting up