I know there is no such area for this so im just going to post it here and hopefully someone will respond. As being a Licenced 12V Technician anyone on here ever hooked up a CODEALARM SRT 9000 unit? I had just baught one for my 2002 Pontiac Grand Prix GT 2DR. i am also using the Idatalink ADS-TB GM PK3 Bypass module. the one problem im really having is the idatalink cable does not directly connect, so there for i need a spot to run a "ground out when running signal" now the only way this can be done...is to run it to the parking lights... but then i lose the flash of the parking lights..lol a well... IF theres anyone on here with such knowlegde, gimmie a shout back anyother units are welcome to be alerted to as well, Nustart Autostart (and all its sister companys) Audiovox Clifford etc etc etc. Happy new years -DJ The Chemist
haha oh yeah. there not very helpfull. nor pleasent to speak with either =/ i had to figure out my self, i gotta Double Diode Isolate the doorlocks on the Tan + DK Blue door pin wires. stupid RAP system the ground out was easy..i kinda over looked that one ...embarressment on my self