Hi, can anyone tell me how to completely remove dvd43 from my computer? thanks It will be greatly appreciated thanks mark
Welcome mkaone, glad to have you in our little club - The major problem with any proggys uninstalls are the files in your registry. Try this program - http://www.docsdownloads.com/regclean.htm By cleaning up your registry you enable your PC to run faster and get rid of those pesky little ads etc. you always seem to have left over long after you have uninstalled the offending proggy. Hope this takes care of your problem cheers, Pete
I did it and nows its gone. thanks Can you also suggest something to help my xp windows to startup faster, and also after I get to the desktop I sttil have to wait a while before I can open programs. Its really slow. any help will be appreciated. thanks mka
Hi Pete one more thing, when I downloaded the regclean. It shows up in the program list as a new program. After I click on it to run, and even when I am finished running the program I shut down and when I start my computer again it says new programs installed. Is there any way to stop it from saying reclean is a new program. thanks mka
Hi mka, Have you tried taking it out of the start menu in msconfig ? Worst case, delete it, download it again into a different directory - That should do it, if not, come on back and we'll brainstorm it Glad it did the trick - We're here to help cheers, Pete
I tried the regclean and the computer is still slow and regsupreme still shows up as a new program. what next thanks mka
mka, 1. Did you try to uninstall Regclean ? 2. Did you remove it from Program files ? 3. What OS do you have ? Pete
hi I have uninstalled it I have XP pro Also I have had a window popping up when I startup. I was finally able to click on it and its called MS_Webcheckmonitor. COuld this be a problem thanks Also sorry about the double pm message
OK, start, run, type in "msconfig" then click, "OK". Go to the "startup" tab and find and uncheck anything that says DVD43. Click "OK" and reboot your PC. then go to My Computer, Docs & settings, all users, start menu, programs - locate your DVD43 - highlite it and then delete it Problem solved, DVD43 is dead cheers, Pete
Hello, got rid of dvd43, great thanks Any suggestions on the following to help my xp windows to startup faster, and also after I get to the desktop I sttil have to wait a while before I can open programs. Its really slow. Also I have had a window popping up when I startup. I was finally able to click on it and its called MS_Webcheckmonitor. COuld this be a problem thanks again mark
OK Mark, Let's get Mr. computer cleaned up. On your desktop go to “Start”, “All Progams”,“Accessories”, “System tools”, “Disk Defragmenter” and click on that. Then (if you have more than 1) go to each of your HD’s and let the Defragmenter straighten them out. After you have defragmented your HD’s, back you go to msconfig. Open the startup tab, grab the line at the top where it says "location" and slide it to the right so, that you can see all of the "command" section. These are allot of the things that startup when you turn on your PC. Most of these things you don't want. Keep only things that concern your fire wall, your virus scan, Pop stopper (if you have one) wireless mouse and key board (if you have them), sound card (if you have one) and, if you have a proggy like DVD43 like AnyDVD or RegionFree DVD that runs in the background and uncheck everything else. Click "Apply", "Close" and then click "restart". Now open your browser, go to “tools”, “internet options”, “General” tab, “temporary internet files”. Next click “Delete cookies” and then “Delete files” then click “OK”. Moving on, “Google” for “System Mechanic”. It’s an excellent proggy and has a 30-day free trial. Go through it from top to bottom and allow it to clean your system. The default settings are fine. All right Mr. Mark, That’s the best I can do – Luck, Pete