Last night I backed up one of my DVDs in the Movie+Menu option of RB-Pro with 1 Click. I always play at least part of the movie before burning. The FBI Warning was still there. So, I unclicked "1 Click" and did it again. I did the Prepare portion and then reviewed the files. I could not find that clip to blank it out. Any ideas?
Try using DVDRemake to edit out the stuff you dont want. It is easy to find the stuff you want edited out. Then load the edited movie into DVD-RB and back it up.
@larrylje I was thinking about using DVD ReMake. I have never tried it, but have read numerous posts that indicate it is excellent software. I have never had the problem if I was doing a complete disk copy. Once I loaded all the files, I could find the warnings and previews quite easily. I just blanked them out and that was it. Should I do that and then just select the Movie + Menu before encoding? Would that work?
Sometimes they hide the warnings in the Extras so look there as well. All I do is import the disk into DVDRemake and edit out everything I want edited. You can also edit out the button action links on Extra's if you take them off the DVD. Which would make the Extras unselectable in the menu. After I edit out what I want I then save the DVD and then will do a full backup in DVD-RB. It will not enocde the stuff that was taken out in DVDRemake.
Use VobBlanker, it's totally FREE and fast (you can blank, cut, edit out any unwanted scenes/vts/pgc/cell, etc.), not only that but it (VobBlanker) will fix/correct any corrupted or invalid cells/vts/pgc flawlessly.
@Guyy If I use nerovision, then recode, the menus won't work anymore. But, I am going to run it through RB-Pro/CCE anyway. If DVD Remake and VOBBlanker will work that way, I don't see why nerovision won't. I'll give it a shot. I never thought of trying that...Thanks
You do not want to run the DVD through NeroVision you will deffently get quality lose doing it that way. I would stick with DVD Remake or VOB blanker then encide with DVD-RB + CCE
I second the Remake. Works very well for editing prior to running through Rebuilder. I use it a lot when doing episode discs to get rid of the " previously on..." and the "on the last episode of..." Saves quite a bit of space that way.
Remake is not freeware but I find it more user friendly than vobblanker. I have found that you might want to use ripit4me to rip the disc prior to loading it into remake. Some of the unwanted junk cells in the menus on new releases can give remake fits. After editing run it through rb/cce full backup. There ya go.
I downloaded VOBBlanker last night and snoland and Mort81 you are correct. It is not real user friendly. I use RipIt4Me all the time, so I am going to pursue DVD Remake. Thanks for all the help.
Glad it is working for you. Even though it isn't freeware, it is a very nice program. AnyDVD, DVD Rebuilder Pro and DVDReMake Pro are well worth the money spent for me.
yep, thanks all for your other suggestions and yes, i agree that both 'DVD Rebuilder Pro' & 'DVDReMake Pro' are two other good dvd editing softwares but i feel that the latest nero update is the best yet, especially the nero vision.
@Guyy You can not compare Nero Recode with DVD-RB. Recode transcodes the DVD where DVD-RB breaks down the DVD and encodes it. Anyone that has used DVD-RB would know that DVD-RB will win hands down everytime. I used to use Nero Recode all the time. Till I was smart and tried DVD-RB and have never looked back. If you have truly used DVD-RB then you would not be sugesting to a member to use Recode2.
Guyy, Dvd rebuilder is not editing software although the pro vs does include some editing features. It is used in conjunction with your choice of encoding utilities, such as cce, procoder, quenc, rejig, or hc encoder by hanks. It paired with an encoding app is the best or at least one of the best compression utilities available. It will always surpass any transcoding app especially for high compression projects. Its only downside is that encoders are more time consuming than transcoders. Good things come to those that are patient. Edit: sorry Larry, you beat me.
No reason to be sorry. We both know the truth and the more that states it the better off newbies to DVD-RB will be when they read the truth.
I used to use Nero all the time until I was reading a post by Arniebear that mentioned DVD RB-pro. I did some homework and the rest is history. I use DVD RB-pro almost exclusively. I had the issue that started this thread and got advice to got to DVD Remake from larrylje. That is a super combination. One more time...I just want to say thanks.