I confused. The hacking software removes the Macrovision on the DVD recorder. As a newbie, when exactly would that be needed, especially on a DVD recorder like mine w/o a hard drive? Don't TV networks (when they choose to) use a different copy protection than DVD manufacturers do or am I mistaken? Or is it the TV copy protection it is removing and this feature would allow recording of copy protected programing off the TV signal? Or would this feature be used when recording from a 2nd DVD player connected to this unit that is playing a copy protected DVD and not recording a TV signal? Otherwise, I am not sure when you would use this feature. It would certainly play a copy protected DVD with or without the feature. Thanks
I downoladed the hacked version so that I could back-up my old VHS tapes. It also enables the 3-hour recording mode. As for recording TV programs, that should not be a problem. Just use your pc to copy DVD's(they will probably have a better picture).