I did a Movie only Rip from DVD Fab and DVD shrink. Burned at 4x, no more skips. I was amazed to see how sharp it was. Looks exactly like my original movie. But now it has subtitles. How can i remove them in DVD Fab or Shrink?
Got it Thanks!!! DVD Fab & Shrink has options for Subpicture to be checked on or off. They should of said: "Subtitle" instead of "Subpicture" -which threw me off! Just backed up my Clerks 2 So I did DVD Fab(latest version)- Movie only/subpicture unchecked/Burned at 4x right from DVD Fab and it worked. The quality looked better than using Full Disc mode. I'm using Fuji's, I know, I know, my next batch will be Vertab. It's clear , perfect, looks like original content quality, no artifacts. Skipping playback all gone. The only drawback is, no menus, chapters etc. I can live with that.