Removing watermark on video

Discussion in 'Other video questions' started by fizikz, Dec 24, 2005.

  1. fizikz

    fizikz Member

    Dec 17, 2005
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    I downloaded a movie, and there is a watermark in the lower right corner of the screen that stays there during the entire movie. Is there a way of removing it?
  2. Jerkism

    Jerkism Guest

    Watermarks are nearly impossible to remove if they are actually embedded into the video. The DivX watermark on some videos can be removed sometimes during conversion processes, other times it the converter will embed the watermark and after that it can not be removed.

    You can crop the video, but you will lose part of the video as well. I've also seen text watermarks blurred, where the text and colors mix, but its still noticeable. Again, if the watermark is embedded, most of the time it is, it will be impossible to remove without notice.
  3. fizikz

    fizikz Member

    Dec 17, 2005
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    It's the DivX watermark I'm referring to. How can it be removed? If it's relatively easy, then good. Otherwise, it's not too big a deal, but I would still prefer it gone.
  4. Jerkism

    Jerkism Guest

    When I convert DivX files into .wmv with winavi converter, the DivX logo disappears. When I convert it into other formats, the watermark gets encoded also. I think its a coding in the DivX codec that shows the watermark, but its not embedded, so it can be removed sometimes. It might not be worth trying to remove the watermark if its a full length movie, if its a small clip, it would be worth it.
  5. fizikz

    fizikz Member

    Dec 17, 2005
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    From the information you've provided, it seems it would not be worth it. The file is a full length movie (avi format) that I will convert to DVD. So, given the circumstances, it would be too difficult and impractical?
  6. Jerkism

    Jerkism Guest

    I wouldn't even bother with it. That watermark doesn't stay throughout the whole video, it fades in and fades out for about 10 seconds. Since its a full length movie, it will probably fade in and out during all the studio intros, before the movie even starts.

    If its a small 1 minute long clip, that is about 5mb, converting to wmv wouldn't be so bad. Doing that with a 700-1000mb file, considering the quality loss during conversion and time consumption to remove a 10 second watermark would not be worth it.
  7. fizikz

    fizikz Member

    Dec 17, 2005
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    In that case, I'll just leave it alone. Thanks for all the info and help.

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