Renamed xbox dash wont boot..slayer 2.6

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by Ian1324, Aug 8, 2006.

  1. Ian1324

    Ian1324 Member

    Feb 19, 2006
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    Hiya all, let me explain my problem from the beginning.

    I bought an 'modded' xbox from ebay a few months back which stated it could play backups. Now then, this is my first xbox so I dont know alot about them, but I THINK it had the EVOX dashboard, although I have no idea what version or whatnot. I recently purchased san andreas for the xbox and wanted music on the radio stations, which required using the origonal ms dashboard. However, everytime I tried to get to it is said 'C:\msdash.xpt cannot be found', so having looked for the file using the file manager on my dashboard I found the file, but it was called xboxdash.xpt, so in my infinate wisdom, I assumed the guy who owned the xbox before me must have simply renamed the file, so I simply renamed it to msdash.xpt---BAD IDEA

    Now I cant get to any dashboard on my xbox cause I stupidly renamed the file, I wont like and say I 'accidently' renamed or delted it, because I didnt.

    Now then, I get error 13 when loading anything other than an origonal game, which I know means it cant find the dash, which is obviously because I've renamed the file. Now then, I've ordered SLAYER 2.6 from ebay but as I am unsure as weather the xbox actually has a chip or was simply softmodded I dont know if it will boot the slayer disk. Failing that, all I want to so is be able to get onto the hard drive and rename the file back to xboxdash.xpt.

    If it helps I have a wireless router and an xbox system link cable for link games with my mate.

    My question is this, is there anyway or linking my xbox to my PC so I can rename the file. I cant believe I was so stupid to rename the damn file and all I want to do is be able to get to the files on the hard drive and rename it back to its origonal name as this would fix my problem.

    I know you can 'hotswap' but I'll only mess it up, can I link them without having to open my xbox and if my xbox isn't chipped, will it load the slayer disk because in its current state it will only load origonal games.

    Any help would be appreciated,

    Many thanks to all who read this,

  2. Venom5880

    Venom5880 Regular member

    Aug 14, 2005
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    Can it still play back-ups? If it can, then you can use that Slayer's disc to fix it.

    However, if it can't, you'll need to hot swap and rename that file or you can install a mod chip, flash it, and then use that Slayer's disc to finish it.
  3. Ian1324

    Ian1324 Member

    Feb 19, 2006
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    No it cant play backups and the slayer disk arrived this morning and wont boot, so it must have only been softmodded. I'm gonna have to hotswap and rename the file, which should hopefully fix the problem.

    However, the white 'Microsoft' logo only appears when I've put an origonal game in, otherwise it just gives the 'X' logo and then goes straight to the xbox servicing screen error 13/14.

    Do you think I can perform the hotswap with a game in the drive, as that is the only time when the white 'microsoft' logo appears, which I beleive is needed for the HDD to unlock.

    Any advice would be appreciated

  4. Ian1324

    Ian1324 Member

    Feb 19, 2006
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    Bad post, can't figure out how to delete it
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2006

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