I'm having a couple of film clips i want to mix together and I want them to be in 25 fps. The original recorded films are in 1080p 50 fps but some are in 1080p 25 fps. When i mix them together in Sony Vegas and renders them in 25 fps (PAL) all those clips that were in 50 fps is getting doubled in a way. It looks like there is two films on top of each other. The part of the film that originally was 25 fps looks good but the part that was 50 fps before now looks like crap because of the convertion from 50 fps - 25 fps. Is there anyone that knows of a program that can convert 50 fps - 25 fps (progressive!) in a good way?
Have to appologice for double posting but i found a good way to convert 50 fps video - 25 fps. Any Video Converter is a free program which supports a lot of file types and has a lot of options