Help I am looking for software to replace the no longer available DVD Decrypter. I currently use DVD Shrink and AnyDVD together and usually burn from HD to DVD with DVD Decrypter. I would like to replace DVD Decrypter with something else but have no idea what to use. Anyone out there have some suggestions? Thanks Janann
dvd decrypter is still available JVC Member _ 20. May 2006 @ 15:31 _ Send private message to this user You can also get Decrypter & DVD Fab here: Good luck! jvc posted it ^^^^ its on his site but why burn it to the hd if its dvd to dvd just use anydvd and clonedvd works like a charm well except on my aunts dell
Dont forget that you can also use anydvd to rip the movie to the HDD by right clicking over the red fox in the task bar and selecting rip video-dvd to harddisk.
If you are only using DVD Decrypter for burning, you may be interested in Imgburn. It is still updated today, and is created by the person or persons responsible for DVD Decrypter. Basically, it is just the burning engine portion of DVD Decrypter, but is still being updated today.
ebega is correct Lightning UK the man who made dvd decrypter has continued his work in the form of IMGburn for the burning part anyway.
Hey Pazzini or anyone else who knows, How do I burn with AnyDVD? I have no idea how to use the ripper on this. I know I right click, and select Rip, but what do I do after that? Thanks, Janann
AnyDVD doesn't have a burn engine...once you've ripped the movie to your HDD you will need to encode the files with DVD Shrink or Nero Recode and then burn with your favorite burn engine.
AnyDVD is not a burner. AnyDVD works in the background to remove region and structural copy protection and to decrypt the DVD data. The AnyDVD Ripper, a separate program, will copy the unprotected decrypted DVD to your HDD. You would still need to use DVD Shrink (or another program) for compression or reauthoring. DVD Shrink can also be used to control burning if you have DVD Decrypter, ImgBurn, or Nero Burning ROM installed. Otherwise any of the latter three can be used to burn output from any program. There isn't anything wrong with your current setup.
When the anydvd ripper box appears place your dvd in the drive and close wait for the fox to go pale then red again click on the folder source directory and choose your dvd drive where the movie is. Then click on the destination folder and choose were you would like the ripper to put your movie, I chose my documents. The remvoe the unreferenced and blank cells part is up to you but I would prefer to use vobblanker. Then just click COPY DVD and wait for it to finish. When it has finished the movie will be were you chose in the destination folder. All you have to do then is load up shrink/Recode2 or clonedvd2 to compress then choose your prefered burning method.
Hi There! DVD Fab is a breeze to use and is still being updated, unlike DVD Decrypter. So make the change and you still can use it with DVD Shrink. I use Dvd Fab Decrypter free version, it's just one button.
I am only looking for something to copy once it is shrunk from my HD to a blank DVD. I know DVD Decrypter is still available but our of respect for the company, I would like to use something else in its place. Is there anything that will both Shrink and copy to dvd all in one? Something compatible with AnyDVD??? What exactly is CloneDVD? I know it is made by the same people as AnyDVD, but that is all I know. Can I shrink with it? Thanks, Janann
Read this this will tell you all you need to know about clonedvd2 EDIT: Anydvd and clonedvd2 is all that you need. Elby made clonedvd while Slysoft made Anydvd but they have been made to be fully compatible with each other.
You already have AnyDVD which will work with Shrink, and Decrypter and Imgburn will get the job done. CloneDVD is an excellent program if you feel the need to replace, but the other free programs still work and work well.