I recently softmodded my X-Box using the hot swap method described here: http://forums.maxconsole.net/showthread.php?t=13629 Every thing worked perfectly and I was pleased to find I could do the modification without purchasing Action Replay or one of the exploited games. I modded my 8GB X-Box HDD first, then replaced it with a 160GB HDD. Everything works well and after the install I have a softmodded X Box with the Evox dash. My problem is this: I am used to using the unleashX dash and I like it a lot more than Evox. I want to change unleashx to my default dash but I'm having issues. I tried overwriting the evox files with the unleashx files, renaming the default.xbe from unleash to xboxdash.xbe. Upon reboot my x-Box had an error 13 issue. The only thing I could do was re install evox using the hot swap method, but I cannot figure out how to make unleashx my default dash. I have tried several times and am still stuck with Evox as the default dash. Any suggestions? thnx v
Forgot to mention I have also tried installing with AID 4.12 and still it wouldn't work. I launched AID from Evox and tried reformatting hdd. Everything appeared to work but on reboot my xbox had an error (sry don't recall the er#). I restored evox using the hotswap method and tried AID again, this time without the formatting, and simply tried installing unleashx as my dash. Still x-box er'd on boot. I have since restored evox using the hot swap method. Still, would really like to know why x-box will run evox and will run unleashx but will not boot to unleashx. -v
OK. I got it figured out. Here's what happened: I used xboxhdm to cformat and prepare the dirve. On the C drive it created, among other things, the xboxdash.xbe. This is the file I kept trying to replace to replace evox with unleashx. This kept killing my x-box. I found on the E drive, in the ROOT folder, the actual evox dash (I found it when I was looking for the evox.ini). I replaced that default.xbe with the xbe for unleashx and now my x-box boots into Unleash-x. Sweet. -v