replay lite

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by ecoyle, Oct 9, 2007.

  1. ecoyle

    ecoyle Member

    Oct 8, 2007
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    help i got a replay of ebay but it has 744 on it i need someone if possible to send me the files to upgrade to 752 my computer will not let me connect the box but i have a laptop that will but i cannot get the internet on it thank you in advance by the way im in the b===fast area
  2. eamo32

    eamo32 Regular member

    Apr 4, 2007
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    The 752 firmware can be got from the eko site at the end of my post. Go to the Replay -> Firmware directory. There are 2 versions there, 1 for Ireland and 1 for UK, so make sure you grab the right one.
    Can't you download on your pc, transfer it to a usb key drive, and over to your laptop, or if you have a cd-burner, put the file on a cd-rw so at least it can be re-used.
    You'll also find info in the replay -> documentation directory, and the loader program in the replay -> software directory
  3. zahied

    zahied Member

    Oct 10, 2007
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    Just wondering if the v7.52 works with the Replay PVR Hard drive box? Also do you have the latest codes for Tlwst UK?

  4. BRIAN1956

    BRIAN1956 Regular member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    Hi zahied.

    Latest telepest UK.

    Key 00: 26.86.97.C8.41.BB.D5.D8
    Key 01: 51.6D.0F.08.41.BB.D5.D8

    The 752 file is not for the replay box with hard drive.

    751 is the one you need.
    Click on the link at the bottom of my post.
    And go to the replay folder.

    In documentation folder,
    Download the file pvr-C100 manual.
    This will tell you all you need to know to update your box.

    In firmware folder,
    Download the file replay box with hard drive file.This is where the 751 bin file is that you need to transfer to your box via your PC.

    In the software folder,
    Download the stblink 5.20
    This is the software that will transfer the 751 file from your PC to your box.

    You will need a null modem lead to transfer the file from your PC to your box.
    Part number L71BT; don’t accept anything that has not this part number on it.
    You can get in Maplins.
  5. BRIAN1956

    BRIAN1956 Regular member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    This is how to setup a Replay Box

    Connect the Replay Box to your computer via the stblink,switch on and launch the STB software have your bin file(751)in the same directory and press "Upgrade Software" wait a couple of mins and its done.
    While the software is downloading to the box the display on the box shows d xxx (where is xxx is numbers counting up) when the software has uploaded the image in the display will change to f xxx (xxx is numbers counting up) after a while the display will then show Good.

    When the software is installed and the is box connected
    with the channels installed you will have to turn on the auto update emulator.

    Go to system setup/parental control in receiver menu

    press (i or info button) + (2007)

    key and emu buttons should now be visible
    switch key emu to on position
    go to scrambled channel and wait for it to unscramble..

  6. zahied

    zahied Member

    Oct 10, 2007
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    Thankyou guys! Appreciate it so much! It works perfectly now! Don't suppose if anyone has information of how to change the hard drive on the boxes?

    I think mine is faulty as it skips when recording...would a pc hard drive work in the replay boxes?

  7. BRIAN1956

    BRIAN1956 Regular member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    Hi Zahied,

    Seagate hard drive is the one that thr replay lites are optimised for.

    Click on the link below,it is a tutorial on how to fit a hard drive to the box.

    When you follow the link right click on the file replaybox, and save target, and download it your PC.

    Hope this helps,

    Best of luck,
  8. robbie85

    robbie85 Member

    Jul 11, 2007
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    Was on before when my replay lite box first went and with the help of Brian I got it sorted.

    Looking for more help in relation to retrieving lost channels when they show up with blue screen.

    I have tried doing the manual search but I dont have a space to input end freq, it only shows
    Channel Number
    Search By Netwrok

    Is there a way in Frequency to input start and end frequencies or do I just have to do an auto search and will this take as long as when i first got the box cause that took hours.

  9. BRIAN1956

    BRIAN1956 Regular member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    Hi robbie,

    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

    nhell have moved some channels around, a manual scan for freqencies dosen't take long if you are looking for one channel.
    But if you are missing a few channels a full autosearch would be better.

    To do a quick auto search on nhell,

    Have your settings as follows,

    Start frequency 290
    End Frequency 403
    symbol rate 6887
    constelation 64 QAM
    Search by network ON
    It should take at most 5 minutes to find all your channels.
    Use channel manager to sort them to where ever you like.

    Do you have a null modem lead L71BT????
    If you have I could post my channels on here and you could download them to your PC and then transfer them to your box.

    when you are putting in the frequencies, you type 2900 on your remote control unit and this will show up as 290 in the frequency box.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2007
  10. smokey885

    smokey885 Guest

    Brian do you happen to know the frequencies for doing a quick scan on telepest, as mine takes about 1hr on autosearch
  11. BRIAN1956

    BRIAN1956 Regular member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    Hi smokey,

    What area are you in?

    quick search.
    Start Frequency 290
    End Drequency 691
    Symbol rate 6952
    Constellation 64 QAM
    Search By network ON

    When you do a scan and select view, Go to the first channel,
    Possibly 290

    Go to the last channel,press ok on your remote control and see what is the frequency, this frequency should be the highest frequency on your channel list.
    Possibly 691.

    So in future when doing a full scan you will know what your start and end frequencies are.

    I don't really know long this will take as I am in Ireland.
    But it should be quicker than your previous scans.

    There is a way to find your start and end frequencies.
    With your box switched on.
    Press OK on yout remote control.
    The TV channel list popup box will appear.

    You will see something like CH180 FR3395 in the bottom left corner.
    The frequency for that particular channel is 339.5

    You will have to scroll through the list and make a note of the lowest frequency and the highest frequency.

    When doing a full auto scan put the lowest frequency in the Start Frequency box.

    Put the highest frequency in the End Frequency box

    And whatever symbol rate is relevant to your area.
    Constellation ON
    Search by Network ON

    The cable companies just move the frequencies around, but still use the same bandwidth, so whatever your lowest and highest frequency is now will not have changed.
    They just move channels around in the bandwidth.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2007
  12. BRIAN1956

    BRIAN1956 Regular member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    Any more questions,
    please post them on the main replay lite page in the link below.

    There will be more people there to help you and you will get answers quicker.

    Plus we don't want too many threads running about the same particular box.

    Thank's all.

    See you on the other page.

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