reproduce a mini dv?????

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by MeliLing, Jan 5, 2006.

  1. MeliLing

    MeliLing Member

    Dec 19, 2004
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    HI Guys!

    Sory this is probably a pretty stupid question, but i though I'll ast anyways...
    I was recording something today with my new camcorder, and by accident overwrote a part of a previose recording.
    Now I was wondering if it would be somehow possible to "reproduce", what I erased by accident. Well I didn't really erase anything "just" recorded over an older one...
    It's really important to me, please help me....
  2. shorty2k

    shorty2k Member

    Feb 9, 2003
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    Unfortunately it is very unlikley that you can "unerase" the footage becuause it has been phyically recorded over, it if was a Hard drive based system (some of the newer JVC) then it may have been possible.

    With computer systems when something is deleted it is actually not erased simply flagged as being erased, then when new data is written, its simply over writes the old "deleted" data.

    With camcorder tapes this is not the same thing, when you record new material, if you record over existing material, then you are replacing the old recording with the new one.

    I'm sorry, always make sure in future that you make copies of your important and valuable recordings. Also the tapes have a lock feature tab, when activated it prevents accidental recordings.

    It is a mistake that we all make at some point, the only thing you can do is to learn from our mistakes :)

    I hope that is of some comfort to you.

    Anhar Hussain Miah
  3. MeliLing

    MeliLing Member

    Dec 19, 2004
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    thanks for your help. Next time I better double check...

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