rerip a mp3

Discussion in 'Audio' started by gammaray, Sep 9, 2003.

  1. gammaray

    gammaray Guest

    just wondering if i rerip a mp3 from 192kbs to 192kbs will there be loss of quality or does it take alot of rips to degrade the quality. i could have sworn i saw a post that said it will take alot of reripping the same file to degrade the sound quality. or does it just take one time.
  2. tigre

    tigre Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 18, 2003
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    Every re-encoding stepp will degrade quality. Some artifacts like e.g. pre-echo (= smeared transients) will become more and more noticable/annoying, others will become audible after the (x)th re-encoding step while after the (x-1)th step there's no problem in the same place.
    If you're really interested in this, you might want to find out yourself. A good recource is , especially the links "ABC/HR Audio Comparison Tool", "Artifact Training Page", "Test for Pre-Echo using Castanets" and the following "Test using ..." links.

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