I'm trying to resize a VCD PAL that is 352x288 Letterboxed. I'm using VirtualDub to crop off the letterbox but I don't know what size to resize the video to so I can encode to 720x480 NTSC and add 3:2 pulldown with DGPulldown. Every number I come up with is resizing the width not the heighth. Then I come up with letterbox all around the complete video. I haven't quite figured out aspect ratios but GSpot says the DAR is 1.222, if that helps. Any help would be greatly appreciated
In tmpgenc, set output to 720x480. On the advanced tab, set source as 1:1 VGA, keep aspect ratio 2. tmpgenc will then letterbox it properly. Don't resize in virtualdub, just frameserve it. If you want to do the math... 1.222:1 would be 720x393 I get the 393 by dividing the NTSC height, by the ratio: 480/1.222=392.79869067103109656301145662848
Ok I got that - but don't I need to crop the letterbox off or will TMPGEnc do that automatically??? Thanks again
What you want to do, is crop the letterbox off in virtualdub (it's just black noise), then frameserve it to tmpgenc, and let it put the CORRECT SIZED one back on. This leaves the maximum bitrate for actually encoding the video, not black bars from the original. If you don't crop, tmpgenc wastes bitrate encoding the black noise, whereas the black bars that tmpgenc adds, are pure 100% black, requiring almost NO bitrate.