After making a mistake in settings under Folder Options> File Types> File Folder> I cannot get it to revert back to defult. This is what I remember so far. I wanted to add "Scan" to the righ click menu for files and folders. I added new to File Folder and broused sorse to Symansics but now I get the search folder. I cannot edit or change in any way now. I tried to set to Open and select explorer.exe as "open" but it now continuously opens and closes in a loop and I have to log off to getout of it's cycle. I was able to restore to the previous point to start over. Now when double-clicking on a file folder I get the search folder and have to right-click to "Open" or "brouse" to view folder contents. Following many of the online tips to restore in folder options tab has not worked. I know restore would have worked but it was not running till now, so that out. I'm at eds here and ready to reinstall but would like to use this as a learning experience to see if I can correct it by means of registry edit. But I am so new to reg editing so I am skittish in this area but willing to learn if you got the time to share. I guess I first need to know how to back up current registry and how to reload it when needed and what softwaret to best edit with. Thankx in advance!
No such luck yet. I located HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ Directory\ Shell\. I found a few folders that were always there before (added by app instsalls before all this mess) I saw folders for OneNote, NoteBook, WinAmp Enqueue, and WnAmp Play as well as the new one I added; "Scan With Symantics". I deleted the new one and still nothing. I deleted all but Find as described by the lick you posted, and still no change for the "opening to search folder" when double clicking on file folders. I can double click to open only hard drive partitions, but need to still right click to use "OPEN" or "Brouse" to view folder contents. I also cant go back to eralier system restore points from the pastfew days but can only import recently saved reg back ups to get back. So any other ideas? What was your exact issue when you had problems in this area? I now see only the FIND in the folder options> File Folder and all I can do now as either click "Default" and it does nothing to change, or if I high-light FIND (now in bold, nothing is selectable. back to square one, except I now have none of my previous app s in the menue anymore.
O.K. So after several trys and mistakes, I decided to try a back-up from my MCE_2005 SP2 (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ Diretory\ Shell) from my Notebook with essentially the same folder and app (open with) config and import it inot my current XP x64 SP2 desktop and sure enough it worked for the most part. Only thing is, now, it is locked in the searc tab mode on every folder I open regardless of folder view options I set. both systems were always set to view extra folder and task options. Now I get old Server style with open to explore folder but with the search tab selcted. I can click it to resume as before, but I have to keep doing so ever time I want to see the extended "common task menu". Does it have anything to do with XP x64 v/s XP MCE? Is this an easier fix then as before? What mod will correct this or do I go back to before and try something new?
I think fixed it now. I was able to reload my last used reg back up where the prob 1st started and applied fixes from there. I only had to delete the Scan Wth Symantics and set default as none and all was god. So now I now and hope this helps others with same problem. I had to brouse to; HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ Directory\ shell. I then deleted the items I recognized as the one I just added (Scan With Symantics) and delete the folder along with sub keys. I then right clicked on default to select "modify" and set to "none". I now had my old configuration back in working order. thankx for the poiinting in the right direction I fiollowed the initial link above and continued to the other related links to "Search Companion Starts If You Double-Click a Folder or Drive". Good luck to others!