Hi, I bought a 100-pack printable spindle of CD-Rs with RiDisc on the packaging and the company I bought from said they 'RiDisc from Ritek' on their website. The problem is I've checked them with Nero InfoTool and they are CMC Magnetics. Do CMC make discs for RiDisc? I thought Ritek were behind all RiDisc? Or have I been conned - with the company putting CMC in the pack instead of Riteks? I've emailed them (they don't deal with it over the phone) but can someone here offer an explanation as to what it could be? I could have bought printable CMC Magnetics CD-Rs from them for £2 cheaper but I wanted to avoid CMC. I live in London, UK. Thanks.
I can't answer your question but I do have some advice. Taiyo Yuden media is considered the best media on the market. Look at FujiFilm or Sony and make sure it says made in Japan.
I've never used fujifilm but I have used Sony's and I have nothing but bad experience with Sony's cd-r's I use either Maxell or TDK, or go with works for you.
Do a disc quality scan of any cd and dvd backups(Nero Toolkit>CD DVD Speed>Extra>Disc quality test). You wan't low c1 and no c2 errors on a cd-r, low PIE/PIF errors on a dvd-/+r. The Sony's you bought you were more than likely made in Taiwan. Taiyo Yuden media is the best media out there. My scans prove that, not to mention the countless scans over at "Brother" Freaks.
It might of been from Alaska ;P but the Sony's never fail to leave a bad taste for me. But as I stated....go with works for you.
Like I said earlier, the Sony's you purchased were probably made in Taiwan. Maxell and TDK not bad media, but I get better results with Taiyo Yuden and Verbatim. Nero's disc quality scan determines whether your media is good, bad or ugly. Write speed is taken into account when you do a disc quality scan with Nero Toolkit.
Those (Taiyo Yuden) will be my next purchase I have never used them but hoping for good results. If not then I'll send them to you -Shoey-...first class HA!
Just make sure when you purchase it says made in Japan. Also, the sweet spot for burning to cd-r is 16-24x. The sweet spot for burning to a dvd-/+r is 8x. If you can find 12x or higher branded media write support for dvd's, then you could burn at 12-16x and get great quality writes as well. Great quality writes also depend on what dvd burner you own, preferably BenQ 1620/1640 Or Plextor PX-708/712/716/740
"I can't answer your question but I do have some advice. Taiyo Yuden media is considered the best media on the market. Look at FujiFilm or Sony and make sure it says made in Japan. " I know that, but thanks anyways. Thanks for the info on how to do a disc quality scan, really appreciate it. I did some 'homework' on my RiDisc printable CD-Rs and that particular type is produced by CMC. EDIT: Shoey, can I do a Quality Test on a Blank disc? It doesn't let me.
Yes you can.Open Nero Toolkit>Nero CD/DVD Speed>Run Test>Create Data Disc. After you create a data disc, then do a Disc quality test. Doesn't support Plextor drives...
Hi 7seven, ive got them RiDisc printable CD-R's too, on my second 100 spindle now (got about 20 left).. just checked one of mine with Nero info tool, they are CMC too.. dont let that put you off too much, like i say ive used 180'ish' mainly for music & not had any coasters yet. all good.. my advice is dont try to burn them mega fast.. i use either 8x, 16x, or 24x max.. Stay away from CMC's blank DVD's though, they are the devil!
Yeah, I was gonna ask if I should really be worried about CMC made CDs because of the problems with CMC made DVDs. The thing I'm concerned about is are the CMC made CD-Rs more likely to fade? Some of my brother's CD-Rs burnt on a stand-alone CD burner don't work properly anymore. Gonna check them when he brings some over tomorrow but have a suspicion they may be CMC. Of course his burner could be problem - he got a new model just recently though. Anyways, I am annoyed that I paid £2 extra to get Ritek instead of CMC, but still ended up with CMC. They're becoming harder and harder to avoid! I had no idea RiDisc and Ritek could be CMC made, I thought they were always Ritek and CMC don't produce CD-Rs for Ritek. What about DVDs? Do CMC produce these for Ritek? BigPantz, I don't burn CD-Rs above 24x and DVD+Rs over 4x. I prefer DVD+R over DVD-R because I can book-type them. I worry more about CMC DVDs because CMC made CDs burn ok with my drive but I worry about fading, etc. Whereas CMC made DVDs don't burn well and play well in the first place. I do my very best to avoid CMC made DVDs! Bottom line, do CMC made CD-Rs have fading problems, error after a few years, etc? I am extra worried because of my brother's issues but will know more when he brings them over. I'll be sure to post my findings!
i dont know about the long term effects of CMC-made CD-R's to be honest, ive only been burning discs for just over a year now. all i can say is in my experience, all of mine work fine (so far...) i would have thought by now that most blank CD manufacturers have got things right, to a certain extent. i have used RiDisc, TDK, Datawrite, Infinti, Verbatim & most of the nasty 'no brand' discs that have been on offer at my local computer market. Same results, every time. all good. if you are worried about keeping your favourite music intact for years to come, i would suggest making a second backup of said disc & keeping in a safe place 'til your 1st wears out.. thats what i would do, with me favorite stuff..
using nero toolkit and disc tools I get this: General Information Drive: _NEC DVD_RW ND-3520A Firmware: 1.04 Disc: Audio CD (CMC Magnetics) Selected speed: Maximum C1 errors Maximum: 0 Average: 0.00 Total: 0 C2 errors Maximum: 65421 Average: 38258.49 Total: 180197469 Jitter: n/a Scanning statistics Elapsed time: 10:20 Number of samples: 6923 Average scanning interval: 1.47 sec Glitches removed: 2 how come there is so many c2 errors? I posted a seperate thread detailing my problems
have you tried running the same test using a slower burn speed? can you post your results at say, 12x?
it was burned at 8x, max of the disc actually I think they are just too old, but they worked fine for a friend, I gave them 10 and all 10 came out as perfect CDs but Im not sure what burner they used, maybe my new dvdr/cdr burner doesnt like these old discs
If the disc does not say Ritek on the inner circle part of the disc. Some companies try to get customers by using the name as a lead on because most customers do not know too much about what discs are a rated and b rated ones, and as you may already be aware of, that Ritek disc is very good for injet direct printable machines like the one i use, called, Pioneer Bravo, by Primera. Since reading an article on the Small Business Homesite, which incidentally has full spec details and a darn good picture to boot: http://www.smallbusinesshomesite.com/members/93.cfm Hope this help you guys a little Ray