I went through using P2K and deleted a bunch of the crap cingular puts on these phones. Problem is I guess I deleted one too many, everything still works except for being able to set the ring detail. Like if the ring were set to loud which ringtone would play, when I select "change" on the details it's like the screen isn't there and it redirects me to the settings menu. I thought I had backed everything up but I cant seem to find the file can anyone give a little advice? Thanks, R1guy
Prolly works the same for the v551 as for the RAZR..when u go in and delete a bunch of the stock sound files in P2kMan...you need to also delete the um... lemme remember now What happened was most likely that one of your ringstyles was most likely using a ringtone u deleted... Anyway set all your ring options to silent...(yeah itll take a few minutes, but u want your phone fixed dontchya?) EVERYTHING...reminders, text alerts, alarms, etc...make sure nothing is using a sound in your audio folder. then open P2kMan It's like the sounds.db and tempsounds.db or something like that...there will be two files in your sounds folder with the extension .db that u need to delete. Then when u restart the phone, it should fix itself and remake those lists properly in your phone. **Disclaimer this is how u do it on the V3...I'm pretty sure it's the same with 551, but I don't have any xperience with that fone. If u open it in p2kman and u see two .db files in your audio folder, I'm thinkin youre on the right track. BACK UP YOUR SH*T
Thanks Eskimonio. I got the ring to work now, still can't get into the ring detail though. At least it is making noise when someone calls now. I'm not sure, could that option have been in the pictures and gotten deleted?