Rip in Shrinker burns your DVD ROM

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by angel1, Dec 6, 2003.

  1. angel1

    angel1 Guest

    I've been told that if you rip from Shrinker it works your DVD Rom and eventually it will ruin it.... is this true? >>>> i'm now using decrypter cause i think its safer.... and is it true that it takes much longer in Shrinker than Decrypter?

    Please let me know.
  2. rah

    rah Member

    Oct 30, 2003
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    Shrinker takes longer because it both decrypts and Shrinks the files, Decrypter doesn't, both use the drive in the same way, all drives are rated to work for x number of hours, if you are just ripping with shrink i.e. doing no compression there is no difference in how the drive is used compared to say using copy and paste, if you are also compressing the drive is used for a longer period of time but at a slightly lower speed, basically it's a load of nonsense saying software like Shrink, or Decrypter screws up your drive.

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