Can anyone tell me what the latest version ripitforme is? I have 1.67. If it still being supported? Thanks
Thanks for the info. I wonder whats going to pick-up where this one has left off? This one backups most of my new purchases. The ones DVDFab will not do. Thanks
DVDFab HD Decrypter issues updates frequently to keep up with the new schemes introduced on new movies.
Best two are dvdfabhddecrypter ( Free ) and Anydvd (pay for ) I now use dvdfabhd and when things don't work out use acombo of Anydvd/dvd decrypter/fixvts/vob blanker/dvd shrink/imgburn
i think alot of hassles are sorted by taking the main movie only, to be honest i wouldnt want the menu taking up valuble space for getting the best quality on shrinking...
That has always been my logic to Rots...removing unneeded audio and subs will also free up more space for quality.
Thanks everybody. It looks like I am going to be able to protect my masters in the future or at least till all goes to HD or Blue-Ray. Thanks Again