Through casual reading on this site I found out about Ripit4Me. From what I think I know, it runs in conjuction with Dvd Decrypter and has a more updated protection list than Dvd Decrypter. Is this basically true? How does Ripit4Me compare to AnyDVD? I own AnyDVD and love it, but I want to make sure I can back up any disc. So which program can get rid of more encryption/protections, AnyDVD or Ripit4Me? Is there any reason to switch to Ripit4Me if I have AnyDVD? Both ways I would still use it in conjunction with Dvd Decrypter. Thanks for your comments.
I love them both..... I use AnyDVD in certain situations and the same thing with RipIt4Me! It all depends on the DVD movie. I have my preferances and use them anytime. You can't go wrong with either or! Both will do the job right. And since RipIt4Me is freeeeeeee why not get it and try it out...... here is my buddy's (Arniebear's) guide for it:, since you already have AnyDVD.... get the other!
To be honest with you, I'll say "RipIt4Me" hands down because it's FREE and flawless (DVD Decrypter + PSL + FixVTS). The same thing as DVDFAB Decrypter and VobBlanker (both FREE). As long as DVD Decrypter, DVDFAB Decrypter, VobBlanker, FixVTS and PSL exists, I won't and probably will never change my way (methods) of ripping dvds/movies. However, that's just my humble opinion only -- we're all entitled to our judgment and preferences, so use whatever that floats in your boat. The choice is yours. I'm "not" dissing AnyDVD, and I know AnyDVD is really a great ripper, but to each own and preferences.
wow im actually gonna be in a conversation with the great alkohol.i have used many of your guides. the one with dvd shrink and vobblanker are my fav. and if you think ripit4me is as good as you say it is, you made my mind up for me. i have just used it twice now and it is pretty good love the 1click mode havent tried the wizard mode(cause im n o wizard at this stuff). 1 click is like anydvd and clonedvd2 just put it in and let her rip... no pun intended....yea i think if i would have known about ripit4me 4 months ago i wouldnt have bought anydvd and clonedvd2.
aahh yes the rip it for me guide, that is good. i like to use it when i use rebuilder pro and cce. the rest of the time its anydvd and clone2. its nice to know theres more than one way to skin a cat.
i use a little of both, Decrypter which part of Ripit4me with anydvd in the background. i just like to Decrypter and anydvd keeps it updated. but if i have to pick one, i stay with Anydvd.
Well Alkohol I now have another program to put in my arsenal thanks to you. Since when I first came to AD to learn you were my mentor and you preach the gospel. Sure hope your sittin back sippin. Have a good one Chris