I recently ripped a movie for my daughter using dvdshrink its plays on my computer and on my standalone which is also a burner (liteon) but not on her standalone (panasonic), so as an experiment i tried it on a syvania and a sony plus a cheappy no name brand and it would not play on any of them. I get reading disk then nothing the dvd format i used was a -r and the disk are a generic made for stapples (50pk spindle), am i missing something or could it be the disk i do not see any blemishes on the disks and dont know what is causing this to happen.
Most of the time, this type of problem is related to one of three things: 1. poor quality media 2. burning at too high a speed 3. out of date burner firmware A lot of the Staples media is made by CMC Mag and Optodisc neither of which make very good quality media. Good quality media are Taiyo Yuden, Verbatim, and Made in Japan labeled Fuji and Sony media. You can check the manufacturer of your media by downloading DVD Identifier from the link in my signature below. As for burning speed, it seems best for most media to limit burning to no more than half the rated speed of the media, e.g., 16X rated speed = 8X burning speed. This can vary depending on the media and the burner's affinity for it, but the above is a good rule of thumb. Get soem good quality media and burn it and see if your problem is solved.
your players are being finicky and or it just not the right disk for those players. I would use better media (Verbatim, Taiyo Yuden, Sony, Maxel, disks made in Japan) and use the +Rs instead of the -Rs. If your writer can you can booktype your disk to DVD-ROM which will fool your players that they are playing a store bought DVD! Read this: http://k-probe.com/bitsetting-booktype-faq.php DVDDecrypter is not the only program that will booktype your drive... I used DVDInfo Pro: http://www.dvdinfopro.com/ so I would start by using better media! this should help you.