Im trying to rip this CD I have so I can listen to it on my ipod. The problem is when I do, the songs sound all jumbled. Im sure there is a copyright protection on it, but ive even tried EAC with LAME and its not working their either. Any suggestions?
I doubt that it is copy protection. That prevents reading the disk other than in play mode. I don't use EAC but I know it can use accurip. Use it! If accurip finds no problems and you are still having problems, rip to wave for grins. If the wave file sounds fine, there is something wrong with your copy of LAME.
kudos for using EAC. its still the only ripper I trust. nothing else holds water compared to it. EAC should be able to rip anything...what version are you using, and what is the CD you are attempting to rip?