ripping and burning DVDs for the first time.

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by carlvo, Jun 5, 2006.

  1. carlvo

    carlvo Regular member

    May 24, 2006
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    I've just bought this new computer with the DVD burner not too long ago and am just starting to play around with it. I want to start backing up my DVD collection onto the computer, and also burning some copies of some. Where do I start?
    I'm sure this has probably been posted on previous threads before, but there are just so many to look through. It's kind of overwhelming. Can someone please point me into the right direction on getting started with ripping and burning DVDs?
    Thank you in advance!

  2. guyrus

    guyrus Guest

    ok can you give us some info 1st.

    What is your pc stats?
    what programs do you have for dvd burning?
    What encoders do you have?
    what media do you use?
  3. carlvo

    carlvo Regular member

    May 24, 2006
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    Yeah, guess that would probably help. I'm sorry. :-/

    HP Pavillion, Media Center Edition
    Windows XP, SP2
    Pentium 4, 3.06 GHz
    504 MB RAM, 120 GB hard drive
    (Not sure what else you may need but let me know and I'll get it)

    This computer came with a progarm on it called Sonic MyDVD Plus. Should I get something different or easier to use?

    As far as encoders, I believe mpeg2, but I'm not exactly sure what you mean as I am new to this. I've also heard something about .ts files.
    Hopefully the info I've given you will help. If not let me know and I will find out more.

    Thanks again!
  4. davidw001

    davidw001 Regular member

    Jul 15, 2005
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    As long as you don't mind paying for them, AnyDVD and CloneDVD are the simplest and most effective programs going. Simple and very effective, available for a 21 day free trial from:

    Always be sure to use QUALITY media, such as Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim and burn the media at half it's rated speed (8X burnt at 4X). Can't stress enough how important the media is to the process! Starting with the good stuff will save you headaches down the road.

    Looks like your pc stats are good to go as far as memory, etc. Check with your drives manufacturer to find the latest firmware. I always disable anti-virus, security progs, and all unnecessary background crap when encoding/burning. Be sure to defrag your HD often I do mine at least once a week.

    With the right software/media it is not a difficult process. As always Afterdawn will be here to help you on your way. Good luck and keep us informed on your progress!
  5. TAshkar18

    TAshkar18 Member

    May 14, 2006
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  6. matt72

    matt72 Regular member

    Mar 28, 2005
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    Welcome to AD. Look at the first link in my signature and there you will find referenced many software titles and tutorials on how to use them. I would suggest trying the freeware dvdfab decrypter (for anything over 4.4gigs I would suggest running thru dvd shrink also covered in the tutorials) first as it is freeware and once you get the swing of things then look at the combo of anydvd with clonedvd2.
    Your memory is sufficient as the minimum to burn dvds but you will have to close down a few processes such as internet connection, antivirus, screensaver before burning (in that order)Already covered by davidw001 :). Only adding more programs would you need to add more memory. Another quality brand of media is sony and fuji as long as they say made in japan on the packaging..NOT MADE IN TAIWAN.
  7. amf0802

    amf0802 Member

    May 9, 2006
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    If you don't want to pay for the software then the easiest way to rip the DVD's to your hard drive is DVD decrypter, or DVDFab decrypter. Both are very easy to use (nearly self explanatory). A free program for backing up DVD's is DVD Shrink I believe. Someone may need to correct me on this because I prefer CloneDVD2, but I have used Shrink before with no problems.
  8. guyrus

    guyrus Guest

    @ calvo , actually whats your burner?

    The software you have is limited in what it can do, yes sonic can burn dvds but its not designed to do store bought ones, more for the ones you create yourself from the footage of your camera.Dont get me wrong it can be done its just in a round about way.

    For all newbies who are starting out , i suggest you read first etc etc etc but in this case since every one is suggesting this or that software heres the ultimate help for you.Below is a link to filepedia.This is Afterdawns software section.Just type in the software suggested and you should be able to get the equivalent freesoftware , or trial software...........

    @ matt72, yes another one starting from scratch

    @every one else: make sure you do go slow as carlvo has stated that he is new.It may take time but i'm sure calvo will get it in time as long as we all keep cool.

    @calvo: if you dont understand something just ask.No ones going to bite your head off.We are here to help, so ask away

  9. carlvo

    carlvo Regular member

    May 24, 2006
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    Thank you all so much for your help. I think I've got plenty to start with now, so I'm going to give it a whirl and see what happens! I'm sure I'll be asking some more questions though along the way, and I'm so glad that there are people like you all who are willing to help others out. I will keep you all posted with my progress.

    @Davidw001 Thanks for informing me about the media. I didn't realize the importance of purchasing the right brands. Always just thought one disc was as good as any. But I will definately purchase one of those brands now.

    @guyrus I was beginning to realize that Sonis is probably not what I need. I've come to understand that most media type programs that come free with a new PC are no good. And yes, it is the store bought DVDs that I am trying to archive and burn, and I've had no luck mainly due to the DVDs being copyrighted. Will the other progs allow me to do this. Not trying to make illegal copies or anything like that, just want to have them backed up for my on personal use.
    Oh, and about my DVD burner, from what I can tell it must just be a standard (generic) DVDRW drive. I looked in my device manager to find out specifics, but there really weren't any. I'm trying to find out what the speed is. Once I do I will let you know.

    @Everyone Thank you all for the links, guides, and software names. I am about to begin reading and d/l-ing. And I do plan on adding more memory in the very near future.

    Thanks again everyone for your time and help!
  10. cheribery

    cheribery Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Carlvo, welcome. From your computer stats I'd say your drive is a TSSTcorp CD/DVDW TS-L352M FW HR08. I'm guessing you have a HP Pavillion laptop? I have a similar machine. An easy way to find out what you have and also to identify your media and find out what your drive can and can't do is to d/l DVD Identifier. Freeware available at You might as well d/l it now when you are getting started b/c chances are good you will need it when you get going on burning. Very handy tool. And, just to throw in my 2c worth, I think the easiest proggy to use is DVDFab Platinum. It isn't free, I think about $60 w/ lifetime updates but it's one easy step and you're done. Again, welcome, don't be afraid to ask questions and try out the search feature, it's great for hunting down info. good luck!

  11. carlvo

    carlvo Regular member

    May 24, 2006
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    @cheribery Thank you. This is how my DVD drive is identified:
    E:HL-DT-ST DVDRRW GCA-4164B - [FW E.D0] - [ATAPI]
    That doesn't really mean anything to me, but maybe it will help you all in helping me.
  12. carlvo

    carlvo Regular member

    May 24, 2006
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    Well everyone, I've gotten started and made a little progress. I have d/l-ed AnyDVD, DVD Decrypter, DVD Shrink, and DVD Identifier. Using DVD Decrypter, I managed to rip a DVD to my hard drive in the format of .IFO, .VOB, and .BUP files. After doing this, I tried to play back the movie from my hard drive, but the playback was not smooth. The picture would stay frozen on one frame for 10-20 seconds and then jump to another frame and do the same thing. The audio was playing smoothly though for the most part. Anyone have any ideas what is going on there?
    Next question: How do I now go about burning the movie on the hard drive to a DVD disc? More specifically, what program do I use, Decrypter or Shrink? Also, can I use one program to do both the ripping and burning? I guess I need to get my other problem taken care of first with the shaky playback from the hard drive.
    Thanks again everyone for your help. I feel like I'm making some progress now!
  13. gamename

    gamename Regular member

    Feb 24, 2005
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    since u already have the tools, just click on one of the links in my sig. one is by scuba pete and the other is by bbmayo. these guys helped me cut my teeth. both are very good.
  14. carlvo

    carlvo Regular member

    May 24, 2006
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    @gamename I will go check that all out right now.
  15. cheribery

    cheribery Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Carl, the HL-DT-ST part is the brand of drive, the DVDRRW part tells us that it is infact a DVD drive that will burn R/RW media. The GCA-4164B part is the model number of the drive. The FW E.D0 tells us what firmware you have for your burner. From what I can tell, the firmware is up to date. Now, about your problem playing back what you burned to the HD, Ill leave that for those that are more knowledgable than me. But as for is there a program that rips, compresses and burns all in one step? Yep, probably more than one but what I use is DVDFAB Platinum. It has a free trial period where it is fully functional. You put the DVD you want to copy into the drive and hit start, it rips and compresses it to the HD then it will chime at you to put in a blank disk. Once you do that and hit the OK button, it burns the movie to your media and you're done. I love it b/c I'm not really a techie type and I just want a no muss no fuss get it backed up solution. The cost after the trial period is about $60 w/ lifetime updates. I haven't had one bad burn since I got it so I'm a very happy camper. Hope this helps you. Oh, to find out more about your drive, I just copied the info you posted into the search box at Google and that's how I was able to find out about your drive firmware. If you want to try out DVDFAB Platinum, you can d/l it here:
  16. gamename

    gamename Regular member

    Feb 24, 2005
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    ur welcome carlvo. once u get the basics down u can try some of the guides by alkohol,and the dvd rebuilder forms. these are a little more advanced but very good. good luck.
  17. guyrus

    guyrus Guest

    @ calvo: while your downloading all these greats applications heres another imgburn.Sort of takes up where decrypter left off in the burning area.

    Are you also interested in avi's you have downloaded from the net to be converted to mpeg2 before being burnt to disc and then played in your standalone dvd player or is that for something in the future
  18. matt72

    matt72 Regular member

    Mar 28, 2005
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    Glad carlvo is making progress. Without re-inventing the wheel for what you are trying to do now the first link in my signature is a good reference/ tutorial. As far as burning the file now on your HD if it is somewhere around 4.3gigs (4.4gigs is pushing it) then you can use dvd decrypter to burn it. Simply put in a blank dvd (quality media as we posted before), use write mode and alas you have a backup. Any size bigger I would run it thru dvd shrink, set the target output to 4300mb and then burn with dvd decrypter. Unless you want an entire dvd with trailers, FBI warnings, etc I would rip movies using IFO mode using dvd decrypter.


    Lets remember to take it one step at a time and not throw numerous software suggestions until carlvo has a better understanding of the basics.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2006
  19. cheribery

    cheribery Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    LOL, good point. With all our 'helpful' advice and suggestions, poor carlvo's hd will be full of proggys and no room to actually use them! Forgive my enthusiasm ;D

    Last edited: Jun 7, 2006
  20. cheribery

    cheribery Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    I thought about this overnight and wonder if maybe you don't have enough system resources to play it from the HD? If you didn't already do this, try shutting down any un-necessary programs / utilities including stuff running in the sys tray and see if that doesn't help the playback. Hope this helps!


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