ok so i just bought a hard drive enclosure (which encloses an internal hard drive and then connects to the computer by usb cable). i bought this solely for backing up my dvds (hehe), but now i am noticing that when i rip a dvd to my external hard drive and then burn it (ie copy using dvd shrink), it goes to shit. the computer is not capable of reading past the title menu, and in some dvd players, the player freezes while loading and will not open (i have to unplug it in order to get the dvd out). In the few players it does work, i see distorted images ( like digital errors . different colors and squares and shit), and then it skips or what not. totally cant watch them after a given point. has anyone experienced this type of problem? if so, any suggestions on how to defeat this error? (special programs, certain cables, techniques, etc) can i even defeat this problem? did i even explain the problem clearly? i hope so.
What program are you using to rip the dvds? also what brand of blank media are you using dvd shrink will not work on newer dvd titles
ok it was a copy of beautiful mind ( borrowed from the library). i also had the same problem with se7en (this was first, but i figured since i downloaded that movie <it was a back up as well of course> that the files were corrupted during download). after thinking about the situation, i kind of have a new idea. first, the problem occured with a downloaded movie. meaning the file went from the cable connection, to the usb to external enclosure, into the hard drive within it. this was then either burned using nero or i used the "back up " feature on dvd shrink (i tried both). then this went back through the computer then to the external dvd drive. second, i copied a movie. i had it first in the dvd drive on my laptop, then it went to my external hard drive, then out to the external dvd burner. third, which i just discovered, i copied from my laptop dvd drive to my laptop hard drive, then burned it via external dvd burner. this was messed up as well. basically, what im trying to get at, is rather than how do i fix the problem, how the hell do i figure out which device i am having a problem with? cause im calculating a solid 5 possibilities. damn im going to give it another shot now. i am going to try blowing out each of the drives with compressed air. i guess this is gunna be a nice f-in game of guess and check. any idea on a more effecient way to locate the problem?
ok so i ripped a dvd to the laptop hard drive via the dvd burner, then burned it using the same burner. that turned out well. i then tried another dvd, ripping from the dvd drive on the laptop to the laptop hard drive, and then burned it to the dvd burner. this did not work. now i will try to clean the dvd drive with compressed air and give it another shot. same dvd.
hmmmm.... I have four external burners (only two in service at a time, though) and two external hard drives on my laptop, and I have no problems... I don't rip anything to my laptop's hard drive or rip anything with my laptop's optical drive. I let the externals do all of the work. Check media quality and firmware updates...
Might try reading the responses you've already gotten, then read the rules about copying movies you don't own.....
ya im going to check for firmware updates for my external dvd burner. so i copied tequila sunrise last night, ripping from dvd drive on laptop to laptop hard drive, and that dvd went to shit. now i will try burning a downloaded movie that is stored on my external hard drive. haha the movie is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles... its tight haha
darylbe Where you got the movies is if no consequence to us helping you so in the future if you're going to copy borrowed DVDs then keep that fact to yourself.