I have recently noticed a problem when trying to rip a backup of some of my brand new movies such as Memoirs Of A Geisha, The Chronicles Of Narnia, etc.... I use DVD Shrink with Nero for burning, or CloneDVD2 and also DVD Dycrpter. Normally, any combination of these work. However, with some of the newest dvd movie releases when I try to rip I receive pop up errors such as Invalid Block Start Code preventing me from making a backup. Sometimes I can successfully rip them to my hard drive but cannot burn to a dvd. Is there any way you know how to successfully rip the newest dvds? Are there any new software programs or updates that successfully work in ripping my new dvds?
I highly highly suggest using AnyDvd and CloneDVD. The best out there, if you want to pay for it, then excellent. What a FANTASTIC COMPANY WITH SOFTWARE. I have copied and burned all these movies with no prob. at all.
Hello Halfhere, Thank you for your reply. However, I do have AnyDVD and CloneDVD2 on my system already. Here is what I get when I try to burn these new dvds: Invalid block start code: One or more blocks might be corulpted by a prior copying process or by the source device covering critical read errors. Try copying the video files to your harddrive (again) and retry. I receive this in the Preview Screen of CloneDVD2 If I use DVDShrink I get this error message: Error: The Parameter Is Incorrect Any suggestions?
Even when I use AnyDVD, DVD43, DVD Ghost with DVDShrink with some of my newest movie dvds I receive the following error popup when starting DVDShrink: (this only happens with some of the newest dvds) "DVD Shrink encountered an error and connot continue. Programming error - exception occurred. The parameter is incorrect. Anyone know what this is about and how I can resolve Richard
I traditionally have always used DVD Decrypter and shrink, but on those latest movies I downloaded DVD FAB Decrypter and it works like a charm with DVD Shrink on those films.
Thank you all, IT WORKED! The key for me was using DVD FAB to make the burn successful. Thanks again. Being a newbie am I suppose to close this ticket?
what worked for me doing Narnia was, ripped DVD to HD using AnyDVD. Then used Nero Recode to burn onto disc. Ripping to HD first let AnyDVD take all the extra garbage & bogues files out, so Nero Recode could encode it. Played on all 3 of my standalones w/ no problems. Also did it w/ AnyDVD & Clone DVD together w/ no problems as well. Just think the picture quality using Recode was better than Clone DVD. Just my 2 cents.