i just recieved my 100 pack of these i bought at supermediastore.com i read on amazon that they burn slow which i don't mind. What is your all's opinions on this brand.
It is uasly best to burn at half the rated speed. Some will say if they are good quaility media that you can burn at the rated speed. But I always burn at half the speed and never go lower then 4x. So if they are 4x or 8x DVD's I burn at 4x. If they are 16x I will burn at 8x. You really will not get a deffenet answer. It really just depends on the prefrence of the person. But you always get more of a chance for data read errors the faster you burn.
tucker001 hi those disc's are RitekR03 +r 8x i use nothing else, i've found that they like to be burned at 6x, and booktyped -ROM (i tell a lie, i have just finished burning some Verbatim as a trial, and find them to be about the same for quality)