Router Question(s)

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by ashwin18, Oct 7, 2006.

  1. ashwin18

    ashwin18 Regular member

    Jun 30, 2006
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    Query #1
    I have a D-Link DSL-502T Router. Sometimes, when I am using the internet, my PC seems to slow down to a turtle's walking speed! Some programs even stop responding, and the task mamager dosen't startup when I want it to. The wierd thing is this: At this time, if I turn off my router, my PC is back to normal again, as if it just recieved a dose of adrenaline. The various places where I had clicked before and didn't recieve any response, start to respond (like open up menus, close an open program, start task manager etc.)
    Is something wrong?

    Query #2
    One more thing. This one is not a problem, but a question.
    My ISP gives me unlimited downloads from 12.00 in the night to 8.00 in the morning. But it requires me to manually turn off the router's power and turn it back on (basically, reboot)at this time. But staying up upto 12 in the night is getting a little annoying. Is there a way to make the router reboot itself at a specified time?
    There is a button in the router's configuration page which says 'Save and Reboot'. This button when clicked, saves any changed configuration data and reboots the router. This is what I want it to do, but not with my assistance. Is there a way to automatically send this Save and Reboot command to the router at midnight, and at 8.00AM?

    Query #3
    When the internet connection is active, and if a call comes over the landline, or if somebody even picks up the handset to make a call, the ADSL link drops (the ADSL led keeps flashing). It tries to connect, but as long as the landline is in use, it is unable to connect (the LED flashes for 10-15 seconds and then goes out, then after 3 seconds, again tries to connect).
    This dosen't always happen, but whenever it does, it is very irratating. As far as I know, an ADSL line uses a different band of the phone cable in comparison with the band used by the landline. Moreover, my ISP clearly claims (on it's front page itself, in big letters) that users can se the internet and the landline simaltaneously. What's going on?

    If any more information is required, please mention about it.
  2. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    re query 1 - not quite the same problem as you but my D-Link DLS-504T used to hang once a week. over a year/18mths period i got used to the weekly power cycle. Never did figure it out but it never failed to work for approx another week so i was happy to put up with it.

    re query 2 - this may seem like a daft answer but it'll work a treat. just use one of those cheap electric plug timers like you'd use to set a lamp for different times when you go on holiday

    re query 3 - a classic case of a phone extension missing an adsl 'splitter'. every phone socket that has a connected phone needs to have one of these splitters, not just the socket where the router is connected.. amazon sells them for like £1.50 whereas places like PC World/Maplins/Argos sell them for like £10 to £15
  3. ashwin18

    ashwin18 Regular member

    Jun 30, 2006
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    Hey creaky,
    Sorry for not replying for so long.
    I've got a thing that came with my router called an ADSL 'POTS' splitter. Is this the same thing you are talking about?
    And what's this 'plug timer'? I've never heard of it.
    Lastly, how did you know when your router has 'hung'? I know when the LAN icon for my router stays steady at one point (actually, out of the two 'monitors' on it, one is lit, and the other isn't), and when I right click on that icon and it doesn't respond for a really long time (about 2-3 minutes)
  4. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    yup, POTS stands for 'Plain old telephone service' ie the standard analog telephone service that we use

    as for plug timer - just one of these for instance -

    when i say hung, i mean my router just stops working; all lights were lit/flashing or static and lit ie all as they should be; but after a week of use i'd not be able to connect to any websites, unable to ping the router itself etc etc. So in the end i put a 4way extension socket up on the wall next to the router so every week when (like clockwork) it stopped responding i'd just pull the big fat power plug, wait for it to initialise then i'd have another week of faultless surfing (as i say this went on for like 18months hence why i got used to trusting the router even when it would hang); still have the router in the cupboard, it'll probably get used again at some point.
  5. ashwin18

    ashwin18 Regular member

    Jun 30, 2006
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    Looks pretty expensive... (14GBP = 1100INR = 20 BURGERS at McDonald's or 40 Rice plates at local restaurant)
    Any other affordable ones?
  6. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    yeah, you can pick them up for £5 most brick and mortar stores. that was just an example pic i found on the net
  7. ashwin18

    ashwin18 Regular member

    Jun 30, 2006
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    Thanks for taking your time out creaky. I'll look for that switch
  8. ashwin18

    ashwin18 Regular member

    Jun 30, 2006
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    By the way, the splitter which I hve has 3 ports, called LINE, MODEM and PHONE. So I guess that the main phone cable goes in 'LINE', the cable to the router goes in 'MODEM', and the cable to the phone (if any) goes in PHONE. The thing is, I haven't attached a phone instrument near my router. So, according to what you said above, will I need 2 splitters (one for each of my instruments), or 3 of them (one for the router too)?
  9. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    hmmm, haven't heard of a 3way before (as in proper ADSL splitter).

    Basically you need a splitter on every phone socket that has a phone attached. if you have spare sockets thay don't have a phone plugged in then you don't need a splitter for those sockets
  10. ashwin18

    ashwin18 Regular member

    Jun 30, 2006
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    I have 3 socekts around my house
    #1: Telephone instrument only
    #2: Telephone Instrument only
    #3: Router only
    Which one of these will require a splitter?

    Last edited: Oct 16, 2006
  11. ashwin18

    ashwin18 Regular member

    Jun 30, 2006
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    Sorry, double posted it

    EDIT: Here's what I did...
    When I plug in the splitter directly to the router, it -never- connects. So I decided to try plugging it (only) in the 2nd phone, and it works now! So far, it hasn't dropped the line when either phone is used
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2006
  12. ashwin18

    ashwin18 Regular member

    Jun 30, 2006
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    Hey creaky, is there any workaroud to that? My router hangs randomly, maybe about 15 times a day, and it's driving me nuts.
  13. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    if it's hanging intermittently i'm wondering if it's your phone line (or not enough splitters on the phone sockets). my example i gave about the DSL-504T was not an intermittent problem as yours is, so have you got another modem you can try; maybe even a cheapy USB modem ?. i'm having the same problem on the boat phone line and BT are (hopefully) going to replace the line as it's cut off like 30 times in a week
  14. ashwin18

    ashwin18 Regular member

    Jun 30, 2006
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    If intermittent means at regular intervals, then no, it doesnt hang that way. It simply decides to hang whenever it feels like it, like after 7 hrs of continuous usage, or even 5 times in succession in an interval of 5 minutes, or sometimes never for the entire day.

    Let me add that I had wired it via USB. Now, I have done it through the LAN card. Result, it didn't hang yesterday night (even up to 9AM, when I turned it off), it didn't hang from 11:30 to 12:15 when I used it, and neither has it hung so far as I am typing this message.

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