ruined hdd

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by noballs, Apr 18, 2006.

  1. noballs

    noballs Guest

    can someone help me? i have 2 xboxes. 1 is a v1.0 and other is v1.1 i bought 2 160gb maxtors to upgrade each. v1.0 was chipped with xecuter 2.6. i installed new hdd in chipped xbox, along with AID 2 disc. when u boot with chipon, it loads the cd, realises new hdd with blue screen, pull 2 triggers and press start, hey presto, new hdd installed. I then installed software from AID2 and away it went. then i decided to be clever, took out the hdd and placed other new hdd in chipped xbox and did the same. without thinking, i also ran same software, including config magic on it to lock hdd etc. took out hdd, tried to get non chipped xbox to read it, but no go. so then i stupidly took the modchip out of the v1.0 xbox and put it in v1.1 xbox and tried to get drive to boot, but no good. any ideas? i was thinking along the lines of getting xbox onto pc via hotswap, format it as pc then put back into xbox and it may see it as a new hdd? i have never done any good at the hotswap, although i can get pc to see the drive with xplorer 360.
  2. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    hey noballs, you are ok.

    Do you know ftp? did you do anything to v1.1 original hdd?
    Put it back to v1.1 to see the xbox works normal

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 18, 2006
  3. noballs

    noballs Guest

    hi, thanks for reply. yep, original hdd is still here, softmodded, but ok. this is not my problem though, the real trouble is that i have one shiny new hdd that's good for nothing. can i revert this to a pc drive somehow, via windows if poss, then reinsert and AID should see it as a 'new' hard drive again??? or am i being stupid? cheers.
  4. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    do you know ftp?
  5. noballs

    noballs Guest

    sorry i should have said, i have no unlock key or eeprom, no backup of ANY sort for the new hdd (there lyeth the lesson.....) i was thinking that seeing as it is new.....but i now know my foolish mistake.
  6. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    wtf, why don't you answer my question?
  7. noballs

    noballs Guest

    yes, sorry, i use flash fxp usually...
  8. noballs

    noballs Guest

    sorry, there is delay in upload and it will only let me do one comment every few minutes, so we are crossing over.
  9. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    ok put the softmod hdd back to v1.1 and ftp the whole E drive to E folder on PC, ftp the whole C drive to C folder on PC.

    when done let me know
  10. noballs

    noballs Guest

    ok mate, all done..
  11. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    next step is more works to do.

    Turn off xbox v1.1 and remove the softmod hdd.
    Put in the UNLOCK 120GB hdd in v1.1
    Install modchip on v1.1

    boot xbox v1.1 up with AID inside dvd drive. Format the whole hdd. Then Back to main menu.

    ON the main menu of AID, do you see IP address of xbox? if so try to ftp the Whole E folder on PC to E drive, the whole C folder on PC to C drive.

    NOT DONE Yet.

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 18, 2006
  12. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    I gotto now. cya later.
  13. noballs

    noballs Guest

    ok, chipped xbox will not unlock the 160gb drive. it is not a virgin drive. i can get inti it on the softmod xbox and ftp it, but i cannot format it. when i use s cell exploit to load up sid installer, it loads ok. i can back up the eeprom fine, but when i go to msbackup, it fails as it sees the modded files from previously. i have tried overwriting with this machines original files also, but no good either. i see exactly where you are coming from, but the drive has already been paired to a mboard.....basically, is there any way of formatting this drive, other thanm removing chip from one board and installing whilst i load aid, then format, prep, remove chip and soft mod then? do you see what i mean?
  14. noballs

    noballs Guest

    i just had a thought there. if i am unable to format (thereby wiping out the old mod files), can i not just ftp the 160gb hdd and manually clear it out, all while sid4 is running? providing there is no power loss, i should be able to copy the working files across from the original modded drive? if this would work and the modded drive would afterwards boot to evox, or even allow me to load aid, then the drive can be unlocked, putting it back in its virgin state, or i could put it in a pc and format it there, so that next time it was used in a chipped xbox, it would see it as virgin? or even better still, i could keep it in the softmodded xbox and use it here? do you think this is safe to try?
  15. noballs

    noballs Guest

    just to let you know, i tried this and it worked fine....yippee!!! one thing i noticed is that although you delete stuff from the hdd, it often remains??? but it always seems to disappear after the second time of deleting. has anyone ever noticed this, or am i just going mad?
    thanks for your help anyhow.
  16. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

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