run a xbox as a ftp server

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by hbusa2003, Jun 19, 2006.

  1. hbusa2003

    hbusa2003 Member

    Jun 18, 2006
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    i searched the site and couldnt find anything about this and i hope this is the right forum but does anyone know how to run a xbox as a ftp server. i have a modded xbox evox dash. i would like to be able to let my nephew be able to ftp into my xbox from accross the city. so if anyone could post a link to a tut or write a tut please let me know.
  2. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    I'll have a look around but I think that is seriously insecure. I'm sure it would be hijacked within minutes because there is no way of running a decent firewall or antivirus on the box.I wouldn't recommend running an open file server without some serious research The other way I can think of offhand is to connect it to your pc as normal and give him access on a secure link into your network by bridging (sharing) your network connection.. I don't know if it's actually possible to do what you suggest but if I manage to work anything out I'll post back with details.
    There may be something interesting here
    Heavy duty networking which covers running remote ftp servers.
  3. hbusa2003

    hbusa2003 Member

    Jun 18, 2006
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    wow! holy shit! i'll repost in about a month when i get done with that link :) thanks really informative. i have A LOT of reading to do! i fould lots of ftp programs for windows on google but i really dont want to use my pc or get another one to use as a server. thats why wanted to use the extra xbox i have since its a p3 and i can stick a large hdd in it for cheap. but maybe i will look into buying an extra cheap pc. i posted this on another forum and they said it can be done just need to make sure i change the password and user name and even try port forwarding 37 or 38 instead of 21 which is the port most xboxs are on. but if you do find any info on exactly how to do this please post.
  4. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Glad you like it. As you can see theres more to it than meets the eye. And a password isn't exactly secure for a ftp server. Lots of skilled hackers have done the work ripping the xbox architecture, and I think there are a lot of people who will be able to get through anything but a hardware firewall into the system. Whatever.. let me know if you get it working because I could use something like this as well as the mirror server I run now.. just for personal use when i'm at work.

    You might find this interesting too

    That's more the xbox end of things. This is a real fun area to get into..Just watch out for how late the nights get.. lol
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 20, 2006
  5. DrXthirst

    DrXthirst Guest

    cant he just type in the ip address of your xbox?
  6. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    If you want the world and his dog in there a ftp server on your pc..leave it on overnight unattended and see how many people have exploited it overnight..I have logged 17 exploit attempts against my server in the last 4 hours
  7. hbusa2003

    hbusa2003 Member

    Jun 18, 2006
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    hey jan did you read the article in the second link you put up? if so what do you think of doing that? do you think it is a secure way to do what i want to do?
  8. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    I think it's closer, but have a read of some security things as well. If he was in the same house it wouldn't matter but across town means setting up secure ssl and that's a whole different ball park. But yes it would work with precautions. You really need to go and have a talk to some more sys admins for an opinion because you are setting up a webserver here, even though it may not seem like it. I run an open mirror and provide webspace to others so my security needs are different. That's why I'm hesitant to say one way or another as to the requirements. But yes, with a properly configured hardware firewall and secure ssl it will work. it shouldn't be too hard to work out the requirements. It's only going to have 2 users at most. Don't be taken in by people who say just change the passwords and your good to go..for a start the xbox user is normally xbox, and depending on what you want to provide that can't be changed..
    Have a look around and see if you can find some answers there. I'm having a weekend off to get a much needed break, but theres a chance I'm gonna be around depending on how bored I get.
    Happy hunting. I don't just want to spoonfeed you a heap of instructions because if I miss something...........there could be consequences.. I think the debian article is a good introduction to the subject. They have lots of server running tutorials like that one on the main site too. Check 'em out. Notice how they were hedging some things need for firewalls and other security related things. .I'll have a look in my archives and see what I can dig up in the way of good reference papers. To see the sort of things we face on a daily basis check but don't tell anybody I told you.

    If any staff or mods don't like that link used for the purpose provided then please remove it with my apologies. I provide it for educational purposes as an example of the risks entailed in running an internet connected server. Thanks
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 22, 2006

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