Hi, My friend has recently bought an ipod nano and wants to run it on her pc but her daughter also has an ipod mini and would like to run that on the same PC. I'm worried that if i connect the ipod mini to the pc after the ipod nano is installed it will try and install the nano firmware onto the mini and stop it working as this happened to my 40gb ipod when i connected it to a pc with a 30gb video ipod installed on it. Does anyone have any suggestions?
The iPod Updater knows the diffrecne between 2 diffrent iPods and will put the right firmware on the right iPod. (are you talking about the iPod updater?) When you say iPod Nano Software what do you mean? If the Software you are talking about is iTunes you wont have a problem. You will just want to creat a playlist for each iPod! Here is a link on how to do that. http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=300432 ~Domreis
Thanks Domries, I think you have answered my question as i was talking about ipod updater but it does seem to have gone wrong with my ipod. I was using my ipod as a hard drive to transfer some word docs from my pc to another pc and was fully expecting Itunes to pop up with a message saying that a new ipod had been attached to the computer, and did i want to synchronise with the itunes on this pc thus wiping the contents on my ipod. I was going to say no and then just access my ipod from the my computer icon but this message didn't appear and it started synchronising straight away with the itunes on the other pc which had an ipod video installed on it. After i had transfered the word documents to the pc i was trying to listen to music on my ipod on the way home and it wouldn't play around 50% of the songs. I then tried to connect my ipod to my pc and run ipod updater to do a restore of the ipod but it gave me a message saying that the ipod had a different version of firmware on it and that it couldn't perform the restore. Do you have any ideas how this could happen and do you think it was just a freak occurance with my ipod and will be ok for my friends?
What Happened is your friend had a newer version of the iPod updater than you had, when you got home it was saying you had a different firmware version. This doesn’t mean your iPod had iPod Mini Firmware it meant your iPod had a newer version of firmware than the updater you were trying to use to do the restore. iPod updater wont do a restore with an iPod with a newer version of firmware than the updater. If you are still having problems and wish to restore you iPod here is a link to the newest iPod updater. Download that the try to restore if you are still having problems with your iPod. http://www.apple.com/ipod/download/ ~Domreis
He doesn't need to restore, he only needs to update using the updater. Then he can install the iPod on his PC. ;-)
Well, I could be wrong but i think he has already updated his iPod, just not from that computer, and some of the songs don't work and he 'Wants' to do a restore and the reload the songs. Is that right boab2225? I'm not sure at this point so I could be wrong. ~Domreis
Thanks for the help. I installed the most up to date ipod updater and it allowed me to update the ipod and pick it up in itunes again after i did a restore.
It was out of action for about 2 weeks but thats cos i lost the installation cd and didn't have internet access at home.