Having installed Nero 8 Ultra, the error message 'Runtime error' appears and Nero does not open. Any ideas please?
did you run nero clean tool before installation if you had any prevoius versions + http://my.nero.com/index.php?__path=Blog://DisplayBlog/valwebnet/7100749&N...#0
I did not run the clean tool as this was not mentioned in the install instructions. I did have a previous edition of Nero, removed this using Add/Remove I will remove this copy and do as you suggest. Many thanks for your advice
what operating system you running? vista? found the below at that link... --------------------------------------------------------- report abuse Startsmart failure I had the same problem. I uninstalled Nero 8, deleted the Nero folder and ALL of it's contents under c:\program Files\Nero.( including stuff left behind from Nero 7) I also deleted any Nero icons from my desktop. I then went into msconfig and turned off my UAC for Vista. I then rebooted as required. I then tried to reinstall Nero 8, which asked for another reboot, which I did. Once I was rebooted a third time, I shut off my anti virus and allowed Nero 8 to continue it's installation. What I noticed different this time around with the UAC shut off was that after rebooting, Nero 8 RESUMED it's installation by itself, something it did not do the first time I installed it. I now have no problems whatsoever with Nero 8. I hope this helps others with the same runtime error that I had. --------------------------------------- also: Smart start failure HI Guys I had the same problem, just ran the installer again, repair option now no problems.