Hi You can use any of the manufacturers name to suit your requirements. Sizewise it really depends on how much you want to store, you can go as big as you want. Just make sure its IDE and speed 7200rpm, Its easy to fit, very similar to fitting a PC drive. All connections and a carrier are inside the box. jbvid
I think you can only go as big as a 250 gig hd. I bought a budget matsui 160 gig for mine and it works great
thak you for your info on hard drive it was very helpful. I think I have downloaded it? The only trouble is the pvr will not download any chanels. It says at the bottom of the search window "locked" Is this reason why it wont download? The system information states that the program is downloaded on box?
i think you may the same problem i had. have you put your cable feed into the arial input not the cable input at the back? also the pvr seems to need god quality satalite cable not cheap arial cable
Hi thanks for your interest, yes arial input was put in the antena inlet and I did back up chanels on a 257 s/v successfuly today . But, I think I will take heed of your comments and replace with some better ones. Thanks again
Have a look here http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/575788 where I answered your earlier query.