can someone out there tell me whats going on here,ive got 1 box office channel on my st*rview and at 18.00 today the film that has come on is not listed in box office tv guide,the following films are listed 18:00 APOCALYPTO S*y Box Office 18:00 BREAKING AND ENTERING Box Office 18:00 GHOST RIDER Box Office 18:00 I WANT CANDY Box Office 18:00 MR BEAN'S HOLIDAY Box Office 18:00 PREMONITION Box Office 18:00 SHOOTER Box Office 18:00 THE LAST MIMZY Box Office 18:00 THE REAPING Box Office 18:00 WILD HOGS Box Office so how come i get a film thats not in the list and has been the same film for over a week now is it ever going to change???
when you do a scan you only get the channel what someone in your area has ordered, try doing another scan tonight
i had wxactly the same problem i re installed my channels and i got a channel caled tv 124. i have had it for 2 dayz nw and i luckily caught the movie as soon as it started. the movie was school for scoundrels maybe this could be the same as yours. the channel number on sky for this channel is 755
yes thats the same film it just repeats every 2 hours and has done for over a week now, and ive rescanned everyday for over a week now sometimes twice a day, but nothing,.... nevermind
That sounds more like the PPV station. Whenever there is anything on at the weekend they have the station on. Showing the same film over and over again. If there is nothing on on PPV for a while this one station will appear as off air. Thus it comes and goes a lot.
So if I'd kept my ppv channel I'd have gotten a free movie occasionally? Does anyone have the frequency for that so I can get it back? Thanks.
has anyone got the freq for sentana sports 1 for the yorkshire many thanks ive tryed 299.000 with no joy
Sky , Im not sure of the PPV Channel freq , do an auto scan and see if it appears at the end of your list
the frequency for the PPV channel is 746750 khz in england if you have sky digital then the ppv channel is 755. if you go on tv guide (on sky) and put in the channel 755 it will tell you the movies that are coming on in da next week. the next film is on thursady i think and it is called the Last Mimzy 100% sure of the film title.
The PPV is not always on. But when it is, it does advertise those box office movies. Now showing on this number, and that number and the likes. You would get this in between the end of the movie they are showing, and when the movie begins again. That is the PPV were they show all those wrestling events. Ever notice that PPV football is never ever on. Always off air. At least here in Ireland. Never once seen it on.
I'm kind of scared to do an autoscan. Wouldn't my menu bin file have to be put on all over again? I can't be bothered with all that unplugging and stuff. It's all so neat and tidy at the minute, I've 175 channels all in perfect order, (nearly). I think I had that ppv channel last week and deleted it because I was sorting out a couple of channels that lost their sound and did a manual scan and there was a Mr Bean movie on that wasn't on any other movie channel. I think it was the same frequency as a couple of the music ones. I'll have a go later tonight.
can anyone help i cant get sentana sports 1 now ive try freq 419.000,299.000,315.000,323.000,355.000,611.000 and no look i live in yorkshire