Samsung ms28 spoofed help!

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by Nunchez, Dec 4, 2010.

  1. Nunchez

    Nunchez Member

    Dec 4, 2010
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    Let me first start off by saying I'm a complete noob and I don't know much about modding and stuff. I have samsung ms28 drive which I discovered was spoofed as a lite-on( I have no clue why) and I wanted to flash to LT to play the ap2.5 games. I first flashed it back to stock and now my question is can I play the retail ap2.5 games and can I go on XBL with it?
  2. miketrev

    miketrev Regular member

    Feb 1, 2009
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    The reason you have not got a reply is due to you posting in the incorrect forum, this forum is for users of the original xbox.

    Use This one

    In answer to your question, your drive would of been spoofed to lite on as your xbox would of originally came with a lite on however someone has replaced it with a sammy.

    You will need to spoof again to the same series lite on revision when you reflash... if that make sense?

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