I was going to buy a BenQ 1650 in the next couple of weeks but it seems they are no longer available. Its too bad because all I hear is how awsome the 1640,50,55 are. Since I can't find the BenQs anymore I need a drive that would be just as good and reputable. Recently there has been buzz around the Samsung SH-S182D and its LightScribe variant the SH-S182M. I just wanted to know if anyone has had any experience with this drive and if they would reccomend it. Here is a link http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16827151133
See here: http://www.meritline.com/dvddrives.html First one is the BenQ 1655. If you scroll down the page, there's a BenQ DW 1650. Don't know what the DW stands for.........
Nice, thank you. I froogled the drive and the only sites that had it in the $30 price range were sites I hadn't heard of.