I've got a fairly new Samsung Write-master 16x dual layer DVD burner for the PC, and it seems to burn DVD's slow. I've got 8x ritek discs, and when I burn them at 8x they take around 10 or 11 minutes. It should be muc faster, right? Any idea what might be causing the slow down? I don't run any other programs when I burn, by the way.
You might try to check out the drive's properties to make sure it's in DMA mode and not PIO mode. Check your BIOS to make sure DMA is not diabled.
Follow the instructions in this article. Let me know if it helps: http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/device/storage/IDE-DMA.mspx
My drive is set to DMA already. I tried backing up a movie that took up all of the DVD, and it took 15 minutes to burn.
A lot really depends on your processor speed and how much ram you have. Also when burning, you shouldn't have any other programs running. 15 minutes is really not that long, depending on your computer. I've got a Pentium IV 3.2 overclocked to 3.4 with 1 gig of ram and I think it takes about 7 or 8 minutes to burn a full length movie. What program are you using to burn with? I've found Nero to be a pretty decent program.
I'm using Nero smartstart to burn, which I got on a cd that came with the burner. My PC has a 3 gigahertz processor, with 512 ram. I've tried burning without any other programs going, but it still takes the same amount of time to burn an 8x DVD as it does a 4x
How big of a file are you burning? I'm getting ready to burn a file now and I'll time it to see how long it takes and let you know. Another thought, is your processor an Intel and does it have multi-threading capabilities? If so, you want to make sure that it's enabled by going into your BIOS which I can help you with if you need it.
I burned a 4 gig file using an 8X speed disk and it took 7 minutes. So I agree, it seems that the xHaydenx's speed sounds normal,and considering his computer specs too. Whenever I burn a dvd, I just start the burning and then go do something else for about 10 minutes.